Black Hearted: Chapter 49

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Jack's assistant wasn't sitting at his desk when Solana arrived. After a weekend together, she'd missed being in his bed last night. Ached for the strength of his tender touch. His crucial meeting was happening now, Anderson agreeing, hopefully, to Jack's last offer. She'd wanted to be here, to be the first to congratulate him. Because she had no doubt he would succeed.

She slipped inside his office; the carpet dampening the sound of her shoes, and typed a quick text. "There's a surprise waiting on your desk." Four simple items sat on the broad black wood frame. A phone, his laptop and two file folders. Tucked in her bag was item number five.

A small frame.

Silver, of course, to match Jack's mono-chromed decor. Behind the clear glass sat a copy of the photo Vinny had taken of them at the racetrack. Jack's face still flush from having sex in the bathroom. She placed the picture on the corner of his desk, beside the phone, imagining Jack steering Blackhorne and Caldwell while staring at their image.

A shiver shot up her spine at the offered he'd made her. A job at this company. The notion both thrilled and scared her. Besides being preposterous, her lack of education was only the first stumbling block, the concept of working alongside Jack had a certain allure. She could help him open up more, shift the company in the directions he obviously wanted to move in. No more bleaching red wine stains out of her uniform, feet aching from hours on her feet, slinging drinks for losers who didn't tip.

Lost in a daydream of them as a power couple, Solana's hands brushed against the stiff paper of the file folder on his desk. Perhaps the illusion was too strong, or she desired to try out the idea of being part of the company. Either way, her fingers dragged along the edges of the first folder and flipped it open.

Her excitement dipped as she saw her name printed on the front page of what looked like a contract. At the bottom were two blank spots for signatures. One had Jack Blackhorne and Blackhorne & Caldwell typed underneath it, the other had a name she didn't recognize and the word Seller. Her finger trailed along the words then froze as they hit "offer to purchase all copies including digital or physical versions of Exhibit A (see attached.)"

Solana shifted the paper and sucked in a breath. A grainy, still life stared back at her. The image was a photo of her, half naked, in Jack's arms. A drum beat in her ears and her cheeks flamed. Even though his back was to the camera, Jack's reflection was crystal clear in the mirror on the wall. She recognized the bathroom of the racing club.

She sank into Jack's chair, legs giving out. Someone had been in one of those stalls and had recorded them having sex at the club. Now they were extorting Jack for money. Her stomach rolled. He'd told her the damage one picture could do to the company's bottom line, crashing stock prices and costing millions. What would a whole sex tape do?

She returned to the agreement, and her jaw dropped at the suggested amount. Five hundred thousand dollars.

One moment of irresponsibility cost Jack's company half a million. The thought sat in her stomach like an iceberg. She'd never be able to pay him back for this mistake.

Her hand shook as she regarded the second folder. Was there more? Setting the contract aside, she read the new page.

Subject: Solana Wilde

Report and Recommendation

Her head swam as she contemplated the reality of what was in front of her. Jack had created another report on her. This one not a background check, but rather something more sinister.

Phrases popped out at her

Failed business

Criminal connections

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