Black Hearted: Chapter 25

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"The schedule." Solana hoisted her chin, meeting Bram's glare and playing along with his ploy. She had no desire to get into what he really wanted to talk about—catching Jack exiting her bedroom.

Bram strode closer. "What is he doing here?"

Seemed they were having this conversation here and now. Her stomach tightened as she gripped the material of Bram's shirt and yanked him to her. "Keep your voice down."

A string of silent expletives spilled from his mouth as he pushed away, dark eyes brimming with venom. "You smell of him."

She glanced over her shoulder, half expecting to see Jack there grinning.

Bram huffed and bowed his head. "You slept with that bastard, didn't you?" The force of his words caused her bangs to sway.

Solana released his shirt and cemented her feet to the floor to counterbalance the urge to back away at the poison in his voice. He had no right to act this way. Bram wasn't her father or her boyfriend. He took his responsibilities as her best friend too far sometimes and no matter what they shared, it didn't give him the right to pass judgement on who she did or—in this case—didn't sleep with. "That's my business."

He scowled and crossed his arms. "He screwed you, and you screwed your abuela."

The impulse to slap him made her right hand itch. Instead, she balled it into a fist and glared back at him. Bram had a cruel streak she'd witnessed on multiple occasions, but never had it focused so sharply in her direction. Her teeth ached with the pressure of not screaming at him.

"There won't be any more money from him." Bram paced like a caged animal across the entrance to the living room.

"Jack is not an ATM, dolling out cash to the needy when we hold out our hands. He's a man who..." Solana bit her tongue, the conversation in her bedroom rang in her head. The lonely little boy who thought he was unloved. The man she'd asked to be her friend. She wasn't sure why she'd made the proposal, only knowing she didn't want him to leave her room, walk out of her life, and never see him again. She'd panicked.

"... a man who deserves a little respect." The words popped out of her mouth, surprising even her.

Bram's eyes narrowed to slits. "Respect?" A spray of spit accompanied the insult. "The only thing that man respects is a challenge. Now he's been in your pants, he'll ghost you. Just like Cassius."

The reminder of her failed marriage gouged into her heart. Bram had been right about Cassius, down to the accusation her ex-husband would stray outside of their marriage within a year.

"He won't." There was a conviction in Solana's voice her brain couldn't quite stand behind.

"Wanna bet?"

Ice filled her veins. Bram and his gambling addiction. The man would bet on which way a dog would run across the street if given the chance.


They both turned to find Jack leaning against the wall wearing her Abuela's good apron. A thumb looped through one strap, he raised an eyebrow. "Can I get in on that bet?"

Bram's palm landed on her shoulder, but his glare pinned Jack. "You just love playing games, don't you?"

"Well, one does have to have some fun in this life." Sky-blue eyes flitted to Solana as Jack smirked.

"Stay away from her." Bram's fingers dug into her skin like a branding iron.

Jack's gaze slid to Bram and hardened, even as his tone stayed teasing. "Not my fault she prefers my company to others."

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