Black Hearted: Chapter 28

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"Your vitals look good." Dr. Collins leaned back in his chair. "Seems the new medication is working."

One of the knots in Solana's stomach unwound. She squeezed her Abuela's hand.

Ximena smiled. "It's easier on the stomach, so that helps."

"Excellent." The screen on the tablet in front of him went dark. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"

"You've been very kind, but I think my doctor can take over now."

The bigger knot in her stomach—the one sitting there since she'd returned to a Jack-less kitchen last week — pinched. This was their last connection to him. After today, there would be no reason, no excuse, to see Jack Blackhorne.

Dr. Collins folded his hands on his desk. "Of course, whoever you feel most comfortable with. But know that I'm here should you have any questions or concerns. Jack wanted to ensure you're well looked after."

The reminder of his kindness grated against how she'd behaved last Sunday. What started as remorse mixed with embarrassment at her actions at the breakfast table quickly sank into regret. How could she expect anyone to drop their plans simply because a little boy asked them to? In the moment, she'd felt righteous, defending her baby brother against the selfish man who couldn't find the time to spend with a child when Luc so desperately wanted Jack to come to his party. In truth, she was disappointed she wouldn't get to spend more time with him.

Despite the circumstances and the reason, she'd liked the man who showed up on her doorstep and spent the night. Not quite Dr. Jekyll to his cocky Mr. Hyde, the version of Jack she met that night offered a glimpse of something beyond the CEO-slash-playboy the tabloids presented and his actions in the club confirmed. Away from the public, he was quieter, uncontrived, authentic and, she was fascinated, desired more.

The refusal to stay had cut deep. She hadn't listened to his words, simply assumed they were an excuse and reacted. Badly. The arrogance she's accused him of being when they first met had flowed through her own veins, colouring her world, her actions. Since that day, a cloud of gloom hung over her.

Her abuela let go of her hand. "Thank you, Dr. Collins."

"Give them this." He pushed a small piece of paper across the table.

As her grandmother read the note, the cords of remorse twisted in Solana's stomach. She had to face facts. It was over. Her legs didn't want to move, but she forced them anyhow. "C'mon Abuela, let's go."

Ximena folded the note and dropped it into her purse. "The next bus doesn't come for half an hour. Can we grab a coffee?"

Dr. Collins checked his watch, and the corner of his mouth curved upward. "Say, it's almost 3. Can I join you? The café makes a pretty mean latte and I could use a pick me up."

"We wouldn't want to inconvenience—"

Her abuela cut her off. "Great idea."

The spacious cafeteria was bright and airy, even with the gathering crowd seeking their afternoon caffeine fix. Dotted between square tables and straight-back chairs in muted greens sat cozy couches covered in a flower pattern matching the tall potted plants throughout the seating area.

As they made their way to the front of the line, Ximena took her by the arm. "I'm just going to nip to the ladies."

"Okay, we'll grab a table by the window."

Dr. Collins ordered three lattes and paid before Solana had a chance to pull her wallet from her purse. "You've been very kind. Thank you for looking after my grandmother. I know you Jack pressured you into this."

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