~ Chapter Three - Epicaricacy ~

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"He is terribly bright; he is handsome; he is charming; and you have spoiled him horribly. In other words, he has the makings of true monster." - Brent Weeks


It has been a little while since (Y/N) has come out of the bakery. All of the noise from the street drowns out whatever noise that would have come out of the building, if there was a fight. I was worried that people would mistake her for someone who lives in the undercity, since she looks different compared to the citizens of Piltover. The way her eyes were glowing before I had gotten our food concerned me. Maybe, depending on her reaction to certain things, her eyes glow a different color? She seemed to be overwhelmed while she was sitting out here. Before we go, I should ask her how she is feeling.

While I was thinking, (Y/N) walks out of the bakery, her eyes a bright magenta. What happened in there?

"Is everything alright?" I asked, trying to get up, but the amount of pain my leg is in makes it difficult to stand. She comes to my side and helps me up, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"Yes, everything is great. Are you feeling okay?" Her voice is like velvet, and the way she is looking at me entrances me. The way she makes me feel should be illegal.

"Y-Yes, I'm okay. My leg has been acting up since this morning." 

"Did something happen during the incident?" The way she asked that question makes me feel as though she already knows the answer but regardless, shaking my head, I ease onto my cane.

"No, my leg has been like this since I was young. It's nothing to worry about."

"If you say so. Where are we headed to next?" 

"We are going to the undercity. We need to give Sky a..." I try to explain but choke up on my words. (Y/N) looks at the canister we have her in, giving a small smile.

"I'm sure wherever we put her, she wouldn't mind." 

In a melancholy state, we walk over to a carriage, asking them if they can take us to where we need to go. After some hesitation, they allowed us in. (Y/N) had a hard time climbing in, I feel this was her first time riding in one of these.

"I'm surprised this place doesn't have cars." She giggles, looking out the little window she has on her side. Studying her side profile, I ask, "Cars?"

"Oh, yeah, where I'm from, there are these big metal machines we call cars. They run off of gas and can take you places. Some can reach insane speeds." Her eyes dart and move around in a manic way as she uses her hands to explain. It almost feels as though she is trying to act human. What is going on with her?

"Hmm. Interesting. How many are there?"

"At least one per person. We have almost eight billion of us."

"Eight billion...?"

"Yep! People keep having too many kids, and it's wasting our resources. Which is killing our planet, but whatever. I'm more than likely going to die before I get to see that, so I don't really care what happens to everyone else." Shrugging, she grins at me. Feeling unsettled, I shift a little in my seat. 

"That's terrible. Is there a way to stop that?"

"There are so many ways to stop, but why would we? The people who are in charge are being bribed by money, and don't care about us. All we can really do is keep doing what they want," (Y/N) gets a devilish look on her face, scooting closer to me and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "Unless we kill them all."

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