Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Home


What do you mean you're not coming back?" asked Hinata starring at him with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, I made a deal with baa-chan, that I'd help but not return, it's not like I'm actually leaving I just won't be living there. I'll still visit and take on missions with you guys." he explained with a sheepish smile. 

"Okay that's one thing." said Kiba, "But please explain why you volunteering to have Madara and Obito live with you???? They are criminals." he screamed. Naruto muttered something under his breath before speaking. "I'll be fine." he smiled.

"As the saying goes Villains are only broken heroes." 

"Can you at the least come back with us for the party later?" asked Hinata with pleading eyes. "I can't go back with you, but I meet you in the village. I need to bring Madara and Obito to the residence." Naruto explained with a soft smile. Hinata frowned at this which the others noticed. "Aren't your feelings too obvious girl?" asked Madara staring at a now red faced Hinata for being called out.

"Eh? What do you mean?" asked Naruto confused. "I thought you were a male? It seems my assumption was wrong." "I also thought you were a bit feminine for a male.". It wasn't hard to guess who made that comment.

 "What? No, I am a male, but what feelings are you talking about. If it's obvious shouldn't I see it?" he asked causing everyone to face palm.  

"The female obviously likes you." said Madara causing everyone to look at him wide eyed. 'Why is he so blunt.'  they thought.

"She does? I thought I was just admiration since I saved her when we were younger, ya know." he explained scratching the back in his head. "You knew!" they asked incredulously. "I mean, how could I not?" he asked confused. Hinata's actions were always very obvious so they just assumed Naruto was stupid.

"Well, you found out it isn't admiration, what are you going to do." asked Madara raising his eyebrow at the young shinobi. 

"Well obviously not think about it now, no offence Hinata, but I mean, we are still on a battlefield, covered in blood surrounded by dead bodies. Not to mention the massive clean up we'll have to do, I still need to have my new house guests situated, have them introduced to my current housemates. The list could go on, I'd need at least a month or two to develop an answer" he told them honestly. Did they really forget their setting.

"You have current housemates? asked Kiba incredulously. Naruto only nodded before looking at Hinata. 

Hinata's face went redder if even possible. "N-Naruto-kun is right." she said looking around. All the other shinobis from various villages were staring at them, at noticing this Hinata fainted with Neji catching her.

(yes cause I didn't like how Neji died, here he just shoved them out the way put his leg got caught )

"Neji you can walk now." said Naruto happily. He'd feel extremely guilty if Neji became a cripple because of him . "Yes, all thanks to the best medic around." he said smiling at the hokage as he adjusted his cousin, placing her on his back.

"Alight then, let's separate here. I'll see you guys tonight. Dad I'll see you soon." he said waving to the reanimated older blond. 


"Huh? What is it?" asked Naruto turning back. "I'm coming with you."







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