Chapter 8

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It was around 12and they everyone had finished eating and was now occupying themselves with other activities. Madara for one, was conversing with Naruto with Obito close by listening. Haku and Zabuza were watching television and they others, well the others were currently nowhere to be seen.

"I think I'm going to buy the hotel now." Naruto said with a thoughtful look on his face. This had caught the attention of everyone downstairs as they were all intrigued to see him build it. "I'll be back, running upstairs for some stuff then I'll get to building. Meet you guys outside." he smiled heading up the stairs

Once he was back down, he went outside were he saw everyone ready to watch him work in action. "What design are you thinking of?" asked Haku who walked beside Naruto to his desired building location.


"I'm not sure as yet, I'm thinking of something basic and relatively small." he paused as he thought of what to say next. "I'm thinking of something around five stories, the first floor will be a bobby and receptionist area, floors two and three will have relatively small rooms, ten each floor with it's own bathroom. The fourth floor will have six room with it's own bathroom and kitchen and finally the fifth floor will have four rooms which basically serve as a one story apartment." he concluded clasping his hands together.

Everyone present paused stared at him in shock, 'he can't be serious, can he?' they thought in shock. 

"Naruto you can't be serious right?" asked Konan in shock. "That sounds like it'll take a lot of chakra, and you don't even have the kyubii with you." she said concerned, the last thing she would want is him risking his life for something as irrelevant as a building a hotel.

"I'll use clones to help me, it hard to explain, but in a weird way, they'll be taking less chakra." he explained awkwardly whilst scratching his head. Konan nodded deciding not to press forward anymore since he knew what he was doing.

They continued following Naruto until he stopped somewhere relatively close to the gate.He then summoned about three thousand shadow clones to assist in the building. They got into position around the area they wanted to build and muttered the words of the wood style jutsu.

The others spectated in shock and aw as they watched Naruto build the hotel from the ground up. It took around twenty minutes to be completed because of it's size and once he was done, he was panting a tad exhausted. 

"Took a bit more chakra that expected." he laughed nervously. "Wow, this looks amazing." complimented Obito causing Naruto to blush. Compliments were and will always be his weak spot.

"Thanks." he muttered red.

"What are you thinking of calling it?" asked Madara looking at the massive building in front him. The building was closer to the gates unlike Naruto's and the Uchiha's house that were located to the back. 

"Han'ei Inn. I hope you guys will help with renovations." Naruto responded turning around looking at the spectators with hopeful eyes. 

"Of course we will. I'll get the list of items ready." Konan smiled going back to the house


That's all for this chapter <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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