Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Meeting the Roommates


"What do you you're coming with me?" Naruto asked extremely confused, did he miss something. "It's not like I wanted to go back to the village in the first place, and since I have nowhere to go I'm going with you, well we, I'm bring my team along." Sasuke reminded him.

"I guess what you're saying is true but, I don't know if I have enough space. I'll make it work." said Naruto muttering the last part. "Okay, now let's go." 

Naruto ran off in a random direction and the other followed him, he continued running until he was out of sight from the other shinobis. "Ok lets stop here, we're far enough. Hold onto me." the other looked at him confused but listened regardless.  

After a few seconds they were no longer on the battlefield but in front of a tall gate which Naruto opened. Once they gate opened they went inside. Inside was a wide field surrounded by a tall wall with a two storey house in the extremely far left. "Wow." muttered Obito, even though it was night you could see the beauty in the area. 

The sky was clear allowing the moon to provide light and showcase the twinkling stars. The ground was not only lit with moonlight, but with fireflies as well, the area looked majestic. 

"We'll be heading to where the house is." Naruto explained as he took his time walking. The other followed him quietly taking in the beauty of the surrounds. 

"How did you find this place? It's beautiful." commented Sasuke. "I found it on my journey with pervy sage. We're also the ones that put up the walls. I'm thinking of making this entire area into a village." he answered smiling. "A village? That's a lot of responsibility, I thought you said you'd be going back and forth to the leaf, will you really have time?" asked Sasuke, curious. 

"Again, I'm not the only one living here, it will be beneficial beside how do you guys intend to earn money if not? I'm not going to be sugaring anyone." he asked raising an eyebrow, they others stayed silent as they hadn't thought that far.

" I'll ask baa-chan for missions, and give them to you guys until I possible set up my own mission station I guess?" says not too sure himself. 

"I'll name this village Han'ei." he said smiling. Madara smiled to himself at the name meaning prosperity. 

They walked the rest of their journey in silence until they reached the house. "Haku!" yelled Naruto as he opened the front door. "Yes, coming!" yelled Haku from upstairs. A few moments later Haku came downstairs with Zabuza and Konan.  'Haku?' thought Sasuke.

"Seems like you have a thing for harboring criminals Naruto." said Haku causing Konan to nod in agreement. "Oh, come on. I think they're good people." Naruto whined with an embarrassed blush. "You think everyone is a good person." she reminded him causing him to pout. 

"Did anyone wake up?" he asked about the unconscious bodies upstairs. "Yes, they all did, well except the parents. Itachi though is having problems seeing as with Nagato." she informed him. Naruto nodded but before he could get another work out Sasuke spoke. 

"Why is my brother here?"  

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