Chapter 7

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The Naruto didn't sleep long that night as he had a lot on his mind. From the development of his village to Hinata's confession. By the end of his internal conference, he decided to push Hinata's confession to the end of his to do list. 

Time flew by quickly, and Naruto didn't even realize he fell asleep until he woke up. He turned groggily to stare at his alarm clock and saw that it was 7 am. He had gotten a lot more sleep than expected. 

"First up, showering." he mumbled to himself as he tried to find the energy to get up and go to the bathroom. After getting up he walked into the bathroom stripping himself bare and stepping into the shower allowing the cold water to cool his body. 

Once he was done with the bathroom he got dress in a blue with gold lining yukata and headed downstairs. "Just realized I never asked if anyone had any allergies." he sighed to himself whist holding onto the hand railing. 

"Hmmm. What to cook." he thought aloud. 

Naruto racked his mind for breakfast dishes before deciding to go with dishes he saw in a foreign themed restaurant he went to with pervy sage awhile back. He went into the kitchen grabbing eggs, bacon, oranges, pineapples, papayas and pancake mix. 

Once he had all his ingredients on the table he prepped them. He beat the eggs before putting it back in the fridge, set the bacons to thaw, mixed the batter and sliced the fruits. By the time he was done Haku was entering the kitchen. 

"Good morning."

"Good morning Naruto-san. How are you?" he asked with a small smile. 

"A bit stress if I'm being honest, I didn't realize how much stress starting your own village was." he replied with a nervous laugh. Haku gave Naruto a look of sympathy. 

"Remember we are here to help Naruto, you saved us and we in return will happily help in any way we can." smiled Haku. This gave Naruto a feeling of relief, he couldn't help but give Haku a bright, genuine smile. 

"Thanks Haku." 

"No problem, do you need help with anything at the moment?" he asked going to the fridge and pulling out the judge of orange juice. 

"No- actually, yes. I'm going to check on the others, once your done please assist me in the check up." he replied grabbing a glass to get some orange juice as well. Haku nodded before pouring them both a glass of orange juice. 


"Tea or orange juice?" Naruto asked after serving everyone a share of breakfast which consisted of bacon, eggs, sausage, french toast, pancake and a small fruit bowl. The sausage and french toast was a last minute decision. 

A series of teas and orange juices could be heard as he sat down in front his meal allowing his clones to serve the beverages. "Once we are done eating I'm going to make the hotel and then we go shopping. Konan, could you please write me a list of hotel necessities as well as thing we might need?" he asked taking a bite of his eggs. 

Konan nodded before taking a bite of her own breakfast. "Will anyone be going with you?" she asked in concern. Over the short time she's known Naruto, she's grown oddly protective of him. Naruto nodded happily as he was always happy whenever someone showed their concern for him. It made him feel warm.

"Since I made a house for the Uchiha I decided to have them pick their own furniture. But don't worry, once things get settled down I'll get you guys your own houses too. It just that the house is getting overcrowded and the others are going to wake up so-"

"Naruto it's fine." smiled Konan cutting off his rambling

"Sorry." he blushed embarrassed.


That's all for this chapter, till next time. Remember to support me if you can <3.

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