Chapter 6

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Naruto threw his body weight onto Haku as they waited for Kiba to return. "Outside?" Naruto asked in a small voice suddenly feeling hot. "Not yet, we need to wait here on the others."

"Mkay." he mumbled before closing his eyes.

"I found them." smiled Kiba making his way back to Haku. After making their way back over to Naruto, Sasuke seemed pleased that Naruto was no longer all over the Nara and Zabuza seemed a bit drunk out of mind.

"Let's go, grab Zabuza for me Sasuke. Bye Kiba." waved Haku as she dragged Naruto out with Sasuke behind her. 

KIba made his way back over to Shino who was of course still completely sober. "I think I'm in love." smiled Kiba with dreamy eyes. 

"With who?" asked Shino intrigued, 'Kiba interested in someone who isn't Hinata? Never thought I'd see the day.' he thought to himself.

"Haku. She was beautiful gentle and soft spoken, everything I want in a woman and more." he replied happily taking a drink. Kiba felt like the happiest man in the world. 

Shino stared at Kiba for awhile trying to determine if Kiba was being serious. When saw no signs of him joking he decided to break the news to Kiba. 

"Haku is a man."

Back outside Haku and the others made their way to Naruto's old apartment. By this time Zabuza had sobered up and Haku was carrying Naruto bridal style as it was much easy to travel that way. 

"How are we going to get back? Naruto's seeing?" asked Sasuke as they entered the apartment. Haku activated his chakra and placed his hand somewhere activating the seal. "Naruto isn't needed to activate the seal." he responded as they made their way into the place they would call their village. 

Feeling the cool air on his face as they walked Naruto couldn't help but wake up. He felt to relaxed to be sleeping if that made sense.  "You can put me down." yawned Naruto rubbing his eyes, for everyone's perspective he was adorable. 

Haku allowed for him to stand before they continued walking together. They were half way to the house went Naruto started stripping. "What are you doing dobe?" 

"Teme! It's hot and the wind feels cold." he replied as he continued stripping to his boxers. "You'll catch a cold like that." Haku warned but Naruto payed him no mind. "Then I'll ask Kurama to heal me." he said almost smugly. 

They decided to leave Naruto to do what he wants and continue their walking. "We're back!" yelled Naruto as he slammed his front door open. "Welcome back." smiled Konan as she helped Itachi to the dining room. 

"What's wrong with him?" asked Naruto making his way over to them. "Might be a small drawback from the reanimation." Naruto nodded and didn't question anymore. 

"Did anyone else wake up?" 


Naruto sighed a breath of relief as he didn't have the strength to care for anyone right now. By now everyone else had gone to their respective rooms but Sasuke. "Where will I be staying?" he asked once he noticed Naruto's attention on him.

"The newly built Uchiha estate, did you already forget?"

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind today."

"It's fine I'll see if I have enough spare futon for you and the other Uchihas." with that Naruto went upstairs and rummaged around his room in search of futons. It took awhile but he had finally found them. 

He then headed back downstairs and handed the items to Sasuke along with spare toothbrushes and a tooth paste. "Breakfast is at 10 be sure to tell them and at about 3 we'll go shopping for necessities. Goodnight" he yawned waiting on a response before heading back up the stairs.

Sasuke nodded whist mumbling a thanks as he left the house.


That's it for this chapter guys. What you guys think about Kiba x Haku? I don't ship it, but I'm wondering if I should add it just for this book. Thoughts? Until next time, remember to support me if you can<3


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