Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - War Hero Naruto

Naruto and the others followed behind Kiba as he led the way to their other close friends. "Guys, guess who made it?" yelled Kiba holding his cup with alcohol in the air. Even though the music was loud, since Kiba was yelling he gather the attention of a few surrounding people. 

Everyone who heard him turned around to see Naruto which caused a commotion. 

"It's the War Hero."

"I always knew he could do it."

"He's always been the light in our village."

"Hurray for the War Hero!"

These comments caused Naruto to feel a bit uncomfortable as a lot of these people were the same people who neglected and abused him over something he couldn't control.

Seeing his slight uneasiness Shikamaru handed him a cup with alcohol. "Here." Since it was loud Naruto hadn't heard him and instead followed the hand that was on the cup and saw that Shikamaru was the one holding it. 

Naruto took the cup and dragged Shikamaru to one side leaving Zabuza, Haku and Sasuke by themselves. Once they were to a quieter corner Naruto began speaking.

"Never pegged you as one to drink." he started as he took a sip of the drink Shikamaru brought him and made up his face. Shikamaru couldn't help but laughed at Naruto's expression before taking a drag(?) of his cigarette. 

"Did you peg me as one to smoke?" he asked as he leaned on the wall and took another drag. "No, I thought maybe you'd think it's too much of a drag to do. But at the same time it's a lot more unbelievable that you drink than smoke in my opinion."

Shikamaru laughed once more as Naruto took another sip, this time without making up his face. He took another another drag before offering his cigarette to Naruto. "Want to try?" he smirked. 

Naruto's face lit up with excitement as he was always one to try new things. "Yes." Shikamaru showed him what to do and brought the item to Naruto's lips for him to follow. Surprisingly he did quiet well inhaling without choking, he must be a natural born smoker.

The two continued making small talk for a while before deciding it was time to reunite with the rest of their friends. Since Kurama wasn't with Naruto he was on his own, meaning he was a bit tipsy.

When they had finally reunited with their friends the last thing Naruto remembered was being handed a million cups left and right, and since its was a party he decided to go along with it and drank whatever came his way. 

"Is Naruto going to be okay?" Kiba asked Haku as Naruto was grinding on Shikamaru to the beat of the music. Naruto seemed drunk out of his mind and Shikamaru was too high to even know what was going on. 

"He'll be fine, let him enjoy himself. We don't know the next time we'll be back for now. Once we get back home, it'll be work, work, work, I'm sure it'll be he same for you guys as well." Haku replied watching Naruto have the time of his life. Though a certain Uchiha didn't seem pleased by what was happening on the dancefloor.

"How much longer of this?" he asked annoyed. 

"Until he faints." 

Sasuke hissed his teeth before walking off with Sakura following behind him. Haku and Kiba continued making small talk until a large gasps could be heard in sections of the crowd. Turns out Naruto jumped Shikamaru, making out with him surprising everyone and Temari in the back wasn't looking too pleased.   

"Help me pull him off." mumbled Haku going over to the 'couple'. It took Kiba, Haku and a few others to finally get Naruto off Shikamaru since Shikamaru didn't seem too keen on letting him go. 

"Stay with him, I'll find Sasuke and the other dude." smiled Kiba before walking away into the crowd. 


And that's it for this chapter. Remember to vote and support me if you can by buying a ko-fi(link in my bio). See y'all next time <3


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