Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Family Reunion

"Naruto why is my brother here?" asked Sasuke repeating his question. "I'm was working on a reanimation jutsu and Konan asked for him and the Akatsuki to be revived, so that's what I did, now if you excuse me I'm going to check up on my patients." Naruto replied going up the stairs. 

"What? You asked for my brother to be revived? Why?" asked Sasuke glaring at the purple haired woman. "Cause we were dating and he would've died anyway, I hope you don't actually think you killed him." asked Konan with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" asked Sasuke aggravated of course it's his fault Itachi died, he died of chakra exhaustion after removing Orochimaru's curse mark.

"He had a terminal illness, do you really think you could've taken him at full strength?" she asked loudly, glaring down on the young Uchiha. "Shut up, you don't even know what happened." he yelled back. It was true, she didn't know exactly how Itachi died, just that he died with Sasuke.

"What's with all the yelling in my house?" asked Naruto descending the stairs with Itachi behind him. 


Sasuke looked uncomfortable, he wanted to say something to his brother but what would he say? How would he address him.

"Little brother it's nice to see that your still alive." Itachi smiled making his way over and poking Sasuke in the forehead.  Before his tears fell Sasuke ran out the front door onto the veranda.

Itachi sighed before speaking with Konan then going out the door.

"Well that was something." said Karin looking at Suigetsu. "On the other hand are all the Uchiha's this attractive?" she whispered to Suigetsu. "I'm not even going to lie, I was wondering the same thing." whispered Suigetsu back to her.

Naruto sighed before motioning the remaining Uchihas to follow him. Naruto exited the house  through a back door not wanting to interrupt Sasuke and Itachi's conversation. "May I know where we are going?" asked Madara briefly.

"I'm going to make a new Uchiha compound, since all the remaining Uchiha's are here, of course, it won't be too big, just big enough incase I revive more of you." he said continuing his walking. "You'd do that?" asked Obito shocked. Of course, don't you miss your families?" Naruto asked as if it was the most obvious thing on the earth.

"Well, yeah, I just didn't think you'd do that for us." muttered Obito. "You underestimate me." smirked Naruto before coming to a stop.

"This looks like a nice area, it's not too far from my house either, so I think it's great. What are you opinions?" he asked turning to the Uchihas. They both 'hned' and shrugged. Naruto rolled his eyes before getting stated.

"You have woodstyle?" asked both Uchihas shocked. Naruto looked at them amused before nodding. "Why didn't you use it in the war?" asked Obito. "I forgot, besides does it really matter? We won regardless." he said cheekily.  

"As you may assume, the rooms are empty, tomorrow I will bring you to a village to buy paint and furnature, you were in the Akatsuki you have some amount of money right?" he asked hopefully, he really couldn't have five plus people sponging off him. 

"I'm going to make a hotel for the rest of the Akatsuki to stay in, they can build their own houses in future." Naruto said a bit drained, all the chackra he used up must be catching up to him. 


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