Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Konaha

"Are you okay?" asked Haku as an exhausted Naruto made into the house, he looked like he was going to pass out any second. "Just tired, I'm gonna take a nap before the party later, tell Sasuke and Itachi when they come in that the house outside is where they'll be staying." yawned Naruto.

Haku nodded before asking. "May I know what party you are speaking of?" "It's basically a 'we just saved the world let's celebrate' kind of party." he explained heading up the stairs. Haku nodded once more before going into the living room to watch the television. 

Itachi and Sasuke were still on Naruto's front poach discussing the reason for the massacre, what Naruto was doing and just simply catching up. Sasuke felt like a child again telling his big brother about his day.

Once they were finished the two Uchihas made their way inside where Haku relayed Naruto's words, not looking up from the television. They simply nodded in response before leaving and heading to the building they were told they'd be staying in.  

Roughly two hours later Naruto woke up and decided to go tell the other to start getting ready, after doing so he went and took a nice, warm, relaxing shower to ease his aching muscles. Oh how he'd love a massage right about now. He spent a few more minutes in the shower before getting out and deciding to get dressed.

After getting dressed and approving of his own attire in the mirror Naruto made his way downstairs where he saw the others waiting on him.

"Ready guys?" asked Naruto to the people that would be accompanying him to the party. Them of course being Sasuke, Haku and Zabuza, as they were the only acceptable criminals at the moment.




"Well then you guys, well Haku and Zabuza know the drill, let's head to the front gate." instructed Naruto. So said, so done as they all made their way to the gate allowing Naruto to open it and bring them over to the teleportion area. 

"Hold on to me." they did as instructed as they disappear and reappeared in Naruto's old apartment. 

"I just realized I don't have any ideas about the actual location of the party." said Naruto sweatdropping. Sasuke rolled his eyes before speaking, "It's going to be a big party, so we'll probably find it easily, more than likely everyone wants to attend." 

And Sasuke was right, after they left Naruto's apartment they could see fireworks and hear the loud music being played on the other side of the village. It didn't take long for them to find the main building of the party as that was the main source of the music. 

Upon entering Kiba made his way over to then looking a bit drunk. 'Has it really been that long since the party started?' Naruto wondered to himself, no one had given a specific time as it was just a party thrown on whim. 

"Naruto, you're finally here. Let's get this party started." yelled Kiba over all the loud music that was playing.

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