Chapter 8: What to Believe

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At this point, you have no idea what to even believe anymore. Who are these people and why did one of them answer to Zen?!

"Uhm... sorry," you began, "Do you remember when I said you reminded me of someone...?" You began to say slowly with a very not-so-convincing expression. The panic in your voice was enough to make you sound suspicious let alone the face you were making.

"You did mention that. Was their name Zen too?"

The albino boy was interrupted by the raven haired boy.

"Are we seriously wasting our time with silly questions like that?" The man began to rub the bridge of his nose as he spoke, "We have more important matters to be dealing with, for instance, ME. I have been trying to get this devil woman away from me because she will not leave me alone and NO one will listen to me, and secondly, have been wrongly accused of kidnapping from none other than you and this other woman I have never seen in my life!"

"Oh woe is you." The Zen look-alike sarcastically spoke with a straight face. "Has it ever occurred to you, Mr. Han, that the world doesn't revolve around you?"

You couldn't believe your ears. You couldn't believe anything. Everything that was unfolding right in front of your eyes was too surreal. You swallowed and took a deep breath, rising from your seat to step in between the two men.

"Excuse me, sorry, I have to go." You spoke, moving in between them and heading towards the opening that would lead you out of that cramped office area.

"Whoa wait! Where are you going?" The albino boy spoke as he followed you out pushing the noirette aside. "You were just kidnapped! It's dangerous to go out on your own without someone there with you, besides you still have to report it!"

You were pulled back gently by a hand on your shoulder and that made you stop walking.

"(Y/n), I am very worried about you."

The man with the red eyes looked at you with such worry, such concern that you couldn't help but sigh in guilt. This man had no idea where you were from and he had no idea he was quite possibly a made up character in a game. You had no idea how to continue any of this. The only explanation you would get would be from that man you last spoke to over the phone. The man that sounded like the your favorite character from a game. The man that sounded like Saeyoung Choi.

You places your hand atop of the albino boys and spoke softly.

"I'm sorry, but the only way I am going to get an explanation to any of this," You started gesturing with your other hand showcasing the police office, 'Jumin Han' and himself, "I must go back to that apartment. Zen," You spoke his name as if you were really seeing the one and only Mystic Messenger 2D game character, "Will you take me back to that apartment?"

"You mean the one that you quite possibly got kidnapped in?" He said confused. Who wouldn't be?

"...Yes that one. I need to know what's happening because at this point, I'm at a loss." You sighed out.

Zen seemed really confused but to your surprise, he nodded with an audible 'okay' and took the lead walking in front of you to get outside.

Walking towards his bike, you both noticed a group of girls surrounding it. As soon as you two left the building, the girls noticed the doors open and you two walking out. They screamed in sync and ran towards Zen, surrounding HIM now holding pictures of him and T-shirts yelling phrases along the lines of, 'Zen, I'm your biggest fan' and 'Zen, sign my picture'.

You quickly stepped away picking your hands up in a surrendering position, chuckling to yourself and nodding. One of the girls noticed you move away though and screamed so loud, you were sure your home country could have heard her.


With that said, the girls were now swarming around you, angry and ready to fight.




You tried explaining over the 20 or so voices that were filling the air around you as best as you could that you were in no shape or form 'Zen's girlfriend' but the amount of yelling wouldn't let you.

"Hey, hey ladies! Lay off of (Y/n)," He said calmly, hushing the girls and going into the middle of the circle to place his arm around your shoulders, "she's just a friend!" There it was again, that winning smile.

The girls sighed in unison and thanked Zen for, what it seemed like, not having a girlfriend. Typical fangirls.

It was about time to settle on the bike and head to the place that started this mess. He took the helmet out of the black leather pouch that initially had held you in place the first time you got on his bike and handed it to you. You gave a warm smile and waited for him to get onto the bike first as you placed the helmet over your head. Once he settled, you got up and on with ease and adjusted into the seat, placing your hands on his torso ready to go. He chuckled to himself at the contact and turned on his bike, revving it while pushing up the kickstand with his foot.

"Next stop," he started, "a creepy apartment!"

You giggled and asked him if he needed the directions to the "creepy apartment" in which he said yes, but only from where he had met you because from there, he wouldn't know where to go.

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