Chapter 3: Disbelief

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Where am I? You thought to yourself. There was green scenery all around you. If it weren't for your paranoia at the moment, you would surely take a picture of the beauty that the earth had to offer. You looked around to see a parking lot where there would be cars and to your relief, there were cars but not necessarily people, although, that was good enough for you.

"I just need to get out of here, this is really freaking me out." You said aloud. You started running to a direction where a sidewalk followed and made your way to where there were open alleyways. You hid in one of them and stopped to catch your breath. You didn't even know where you were going so you made a split second decision and patted the pocket where you had put your phone. "My phone," you announced. "where is my phone?!" You panicked, searching around those empty pockets, knowing a phone wouldn't just magically appear. "I could've sworn I put my phone in this pocket! Why isn't it here? Did I drop it?!" You were raising your voice at this point, anxiety running through you. You tried to remember where you last had it and it was in the room in that apartment. You were so sure that you tucked it in that sweater pocket. "Ugh! Why me? How could this happen?" You were cursing aloud and blaming yourself for forgetting your phone. From where you stood, you couldn't just head back, you lost your way. "Even if I followed the sidewalk, what if that person on the phone, even if he was real, finds me walking alone! Wait would he even know what I look like? Oh, who am I kidding, I look so out of place!" Your thoughts continued to spill out of your mouth and you sighed heavily after cursing the world for giving you a hard time. "If this is a punishment for cheating on that one quiz, I promise when I get back, I will never use quizlet again."

Laying your head back at the wall you leaned on, you regained your composure and peaked around the side of the wall to make sure no one was following you or was around you. You put your hand on your chest, letting out a breath of relief that there wasn't a single person in your line of sight. You walked out from the alleyway and continued to walk forward from where you were originally heading. You had to at least look for a convenience store, maybe there you could find a phone and call the police or even your brother. Your brother... you needed to tell him you were ok. What if he was calling you all this time? It's almost time for the college students to be going home for the holidays and you always visited him whenever you had the chance to. Luckily, you were able to room with someone during holidays and leaves, that way you can see your brother whenever you pleased, even if he couldn't live with you, you still always tried to make time to go and see him.

You reminisced for a bit and then shook away the thoughts from your head. Doing so gave you that headache back and you groaned wishing you had a Tylenol for it. Still walking, you kept your eyes open for any sign of a store or a person. Maybe you could ask them if you could borrow their phone. "How is this place a ghost town? Just where in the world am I?" You stopped in your tracks looking around and you could've sworn you could hear the wind whispering in your ear. It made you shudder and you continued your walk to who knows where.

You saw a crosswalk and you gasped in excitement. Sometimes, there were emergency buttons on the crosswalk poles next to the one that say 'press to go,' at least where you're from. You ran towards the pole and looked around for the button, while there were two buttons, a red one and a green one though, you couldn't seem to read what the sticker above them said. The characters on the stickers were very foreign to you. If you didn't know any better, these were Korean characters. You gaped looking at the pole, trying to decipher this language you knew nothing about. Peering at the two buttons, you decided to take a wild guess and press the red one. "Maybe that one's it?" You asked into the air. The box with the light above you dinged, making you jump slightly and you saw the little walking man start doing a walking motion animation. The lit-up box spoke some words in what you heard was definitely Korean and you made a 'tch' sound, not being able to understand what it said, though it seemed self explanatory that maybe that wasn't the correct button. You were about to press the other button when you heard a sound similar to a motorcycle turning the corner away from where you were around.

It seemed like luck was finally starting to get on your side and you inched back as you heard the engine of the bike approach your line of sight. There was someone on it and you could cry of relief in that moment. They were on a black motorcycle wearing a matching leather jacket and leather pants, topped off with a helmet which covered their face. You relaxed within yourself, thanking whatever was looking after you and began to try to catch up to the bike. You waved the person down, running towards them, suddenly stopping mid cry and thinking twice. What if this is the person that led me to the apartment... no, that can't be. What I heard was... no, never mind, it wasn't real. HE isn't real, this is just a huge prank or something, I just need help right away.

Pushing out the thoughts forming in your head, you at least wanted to give this a try so you could have someone tell you where the closest convenience store was. He was driving away in those split seconds you were there pondering and started up your signal. "Hey, hey, Over here!" You yelled, hopeful that they could hear you through the loud roaring of that engine. "Hey!" You were waving your hands above your head so that you could guarantee they'd at least notice you in their mirrors.

To your surprise, the person began to slow down and eventually, you two met half ways upon crossing each other. You caught your breath from the jogging and yelling, putting your hands on your knees and placing your head down, trying to rest. You inhaled that last bit of air and stood up straight, trying to give a friendly smile, though it was strained, you hopped it didn't scare off the stranger.

They braked and put their motorcycle on park while placing the kickstand down and adjusting. You might as well cry. Your eyes were forming tears of relief and gratitude and you spoke, sniffling. "Thank goodness an actual human being!" You began, trying to find the words to explain your bizarre situation. The person on the bike took off their helmet and looked at you with confusion and concern. Your eyes widened in disbelief, jaw dropping to the floor and stepping back from the stranger.

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