Chapter 9: Him

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He drove you to where the spot he had met you in and stopped briefly allowing you to look around and recognize where you were. You spotted the ally way and pointed towards the direction of the apartment complex. He nodded and began to drive again.

You landed at the apartment complex only to notice an expensive looking red car parked in the parking lot. Stopping, Zen put his bike in park and adjusted the kickstand before grabbing your hand and assisting you to get off. He did the same right after your feet touched the ground.

You took off the helmet and gave it to him so he could place it in that leather bag he had.

He looked up at you as you stared at the complex and red car.

"Haha wow," He began with slight annoyance in his voice, "out of all people, he was the last person I thought I would see here."

Your eyes met the crimson red ones as you turned to face him with a confused look.

"Who is?" You asked.

He nodded his head towards the direction as to signify pointing without his hands and you gave out a noise that indicated you were still confused.

He chuckled with a little "come on" as he gestured for you to follow him to which you hesitantly followed.

He opened the door to the complex to what you saw to be a lobby and a lady in the front desk. He let out a little "Ah" and went for the desk. You stood behind him when he was talking to the lady in Korean and you spaced out and began to look around the lobby. It looked like nothing you've seen before, more like a hotel really.

You were subconsciously walking away from Zen trying to take in the lobby when you heard a familiar voice.

A voice so familiar you could have sworn you were dreaming of that one voice.

"...Hey Zen."

You heard footsteps.

You slowly turned to the voice.

Your gaze landed on brown shoes.

Then blue jeans.

A red shirt.

Black sweater with yellow circles decorating it.

And finally, topaz yellow eyes matched with red hair and a pair of black and yellow stripped glasses.

No. Way. No. Just no. I am not believing this for a second.

The red head stared at you as he walked closer to Zen at the desk.

"Ah there you are." He said.

You didn't know what to do, you were so confused on why the tall man standing in front of you looked like 707, Luciel Choi, Saeyoung Choi. Another cosplayer? Perhaps, or was it really that you were in the world where the Mystic Messenger boys existed and you some how found your way to this world through a bugged app?

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