Chapter 4: Shock

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No way... You thought. It can't be, it just can't, it isn't even possible...

The person spoke in Korean, seemingly asking you something. You only picked up the word, "miss" from that statement. Ok, he was definitely asking you something. When the the person sitting on the bike took off their helmet, they rested it on the front of their bike. If you were a judge at a comic con, this person would win hands down for the best Zen cosplay you had ever seen in your life.

He spoke up again, sounding more concerned than before and that took you out of your thoughts. "Ah..." you began, "I don't understand..." You were making hand movements, trying to emphasize that you didn't understand Korean and that made the person sitting on the bike chuckle in amusement. "Haha, well why didn't you just say so?"

You sighed in relief and wiped some sweat off your face when you heard him speak English. "Oh, th-thank goodness. I thought this was going to be a horrible language barrier that we wouldn't be able to communicate..." Your voice trailed off as you looked up at him. He really looks like Zen... The silence was then broken off by familiar chuckling. You snapped out of your daze and probably rude staring with your mouth agape and stepped back a bit.

"Haha I see," He began, shifting in his seat and raising his hand and putting his fingers on his forehead in a dramatic way. "you have never seen someone this handsome in your life, is that it? Of course it is or else, why would you be staring at me like that! Haha!" He laughed out loud, a cocky laugh. You couldn't believe your eyes AND ears, he even SOUNDED like Zen.

"Oh-Uh... uhm, sorry I-" You began to stammer and look away moving your eyes around the place in an embarrassed manner. You took a deep breath, putting your hand on your chest and started again looking at him normally this time. "Haha... Yeah, I'm sorry," You finally said, "it's just... you remind me of someone and it caught me off guard!" You placed your hands in front of you and put one hand over the other, tilting your head to the side kindly.

He hummed in response. "I bet I remind you of the guy of your dreams!" He gleamed. That charm... it's just the same as his... I bet he took acting lessons JUST for this role.

He noticed you were taken aback by that statement and apologized immediately. "Haha excuse me miss, I'm only teasing," He started, "what can I help you with?" He shot you a kind and reassuring smile indicating he wanted to help you from earlier and you could've sworn you saw a star jump out of the side from his face as he smiled. You shook your head after that hallucination and fidgeted in your area. You seemed like you were in trouble, like you were looking for a place to go. Maybe he can take you there on his bike, he thought.

"Uh, yes!" You snapped back into reality—or whatever this was—and started again. "I don't know where I am or who anybody is. I came out of an apartment not too long ago and-" You paused. How would you even explain this? A game character just spoke to you through the phone as if he were real and now you're seeing someone who looks like ANOTHER character from a game you play?! You sound nuts! Like you're trying to make a fan-fiction come to life!

Zen cocked his head to the side in concern. "You came out of an apartment?" He repeated what you were saying earlier trying to understand what was wrong. He seemed concerned and that persuaded your guilt for disrupting the poor guy and his path. "Aah... sorry sir, I," You started up again, "I just don't know where I'm at, that's all." You picked up your hand and placed it in the back of your neck out of embarrassment and closed your eyes giving a soft sheepish grin hoping he'd buy it, although you weren't actually lying, you truly did not know where you were.

The cosplayer began to speak as he breathes out through his nose at how cute you were when you looked like that, embarrassed and forgetful. "Well we are currently in Seoul, South Korea on a one way street heading towards the city." He clarified. My eyes widened and I dropped my hand.

"I'm sorry... what did you say? I don't think I heard correctly." You said in a slight panic. It seems the Zen look-alike noticed the hint of agitation in your voice and he fixed himself directing more attention to you and speaking even slower.

"We are in Seoul, South Korea."

Your face went pale. The entire world stopped and everything was soundless. You felt dizzy and seemed as if you were about to faint though you caught yourself from falling backwards.

"Did you just say Seoul, South Korea?"

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