Chapter 2: Is This Malware?

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After pressing the Continue option, your phone began to heat up quickly. Hissing, you dropped your phone back to the floor and looked at the different colors that began to appear on your screen. You didn't know what was happening so you crouched down to get a closer look. It started bouncing around in it's area and you freaked out standing back up and inching backward, terrified.

"Oh no... I think I broke my phone! Is this some sort of malware? How am I going to pay for this?!" You brought your hands up to your face and wiped some sweat that was inviting itself upon your forehead. You groaned as your little job at a vinyl shop could only pay you so much that you would need an advance in your paycheck for the next two weeks to fix your phone.

"How careless could I be! One minute I'm playing my favorite game and the next I damage my phone, what more could go wrong?!" you exclaimed into the air.

And just like that, your phone gave off more colors and flashes that didn't look right and as you got closer, your room was disappearing.

"Wait, wait, wait, what's going on now?!" You yelled but it was as if you were underwater, where only muffled sounds were coming out of your mouth and not actual words. You tried running but was like your feet were stuck to the floor. You tried screaming for help but that didn't work either, no noise would come out of your mouth. You continued to look around while everything was disintegrating from your walls, to your bed and you were surrounded by the color TV static, similar to when you rub your eye a little too much and you find yourself in intergalactic space. It seemed that the more you moved your head, the more your neck felt like it was straining itself and when that was happening, your eyes felt heavy your body growing numb, only thing you could hear were the thoughts in your head that you were dreaming or you were somehow drugged through that lemonade you drank from your fridge... though you bought it from the store, it could still be a possibility. Falling unconscious, your last thought was of your brother. Eugene... I'm sorry I couldn't see you just one last time.


Stirring awake, you hear a song, a song you know too well, the Mystic Messenger theme song. You unknowingly look to your right to see a phone buzzing but you payed no attention to it. Your attention was on the first thing you laid your eyes on which was the ceiling right above you. Blinking, you sat up and rubbed your eyes groaning. Your gaze shifted down to your bed... only this wasn't your bed and it definitely wasn't your room. The sheets on the bed were nice and purple silk, obviously giving the impression of a wealthy persons home. Your eyes then landed on a desk with a bunch of manilla folders and paper sitting atop it and a stack of metal drawers right beside it.

"Oh God..." you thought aloud, groggy, "Where the hell am I?"

You got off the bed and looked at your clothes, they were the same thing you had on when you were in your room a second ago, a (f/c) t-shirt and (f/c) shorts. You start to search around, leaving the covers of that bed open, and walk towards the large window in the room. Your phone rings again, startling you in your area gouging a yelp from you. It was the Mystic Messenger theme song again. You walk to it insanely confused and see the caller ID, it said '707'. You picked it up with uncertainty and clicked the green answering button.

"Helloooo," for some reason, the text that comes out on the screen didn't come out so you picked up the phone to your ear, listening to breathing on the other end. Then the voice began again, "Helloooo, aren't you going to say 'hello'?"

You panicked, your breath hitching in your throat, not knowing what to say. It sounded like 707's voice actor but he was speaking in perfect english though, you could still hear the Korean accent. You then heard a sigh on the other end, "I'm sure you're shocked, I didn't think this would work either. I really wanted to see you in person, Mc is just an avatar in this game but you are so much more," You couldn't believe what you were hearing on the other side of the phone and all you could do was keep your jaw dropped at the sound of 707's voice. "Oh right, you're in the apartment right now I'm sure, that's where I set the coordinates for the code to drop you off. Oh my, I could have easily put you in my house agh! Why didn't I think of that, I didn't want to freak you out too much so I-"

The silence you were returning as a response made the voice pause and you heard a nervous sigh on the other end of the call and then continue, "Haha, it is a bit too much talking to you like this huh, how about I meet you there at the apartment? You can stay there and I will be there in 30 minutes. I will explain everything then." Then the phone call ended.

You had no idea what was going on. Was this a dream? A coma? You let your phone drop out of your hands and stepped back in a daze as it hit the floor. "Ugh come on, snap out of it!" You slapped both of your hands to the sides of your face expecting to wake up suddenly but all you got were two red cheeks and two sore palms. You pinched yourself in the shoulder as another attempt but that didn't give you anything but more pain. The last attempt to wake up was to smash your head against a wall. "Is this really what I'm resulting to for a sensation of reality?" You asked into the nothing around you. You slowly counted down from three and when you hit one, you threw your head back and soon after, your forehead met the wall making you fall backwards from the impact.

You heard a loud ringing in your ears and with your head throbbing from the collision, you sat up from the ground after a few seconds after reattaining your vision. You held your head in your hands, face stinging like a bunch of needles just shot up your nose. Groaning in agony, you slurred the words, "I guess... this is not a dream..." and tried to stand. You were wobbling from the aftermath but were able to balance yourself enough to hold up.

You looked around once more, seeing if there were anywhere you could find some clean clothes. If this isn't a dream and it better damn well not be one, for the pain in your noggin pounded like a drum, you'll at least need to find something modest to put yourself in. You didn't want to go out looking like you just woke up. Going towards where it seemed to be a closet, you opened the doors only to find a brown sweater and a pair of white flats. "How could there be only one piece of clothing in here?" You asked yourself grabbing it off the hanger and putting it on, slipping your feet into the pair of flats. "What a coincidence... it's a perfect fit."

You grabbed your phone from where you dropped it, picking it up and putting it into one of the pockets of the sweater. "I need to find a way out of here. I feel like someone spiked my drink and took me over here while I was asleep, though that won't explain this throbbing headache I have... that phone call was really weird, it sounded like it really was a real person. Whatever, I just need to get out of here!"

You went straight to what seemed to be the front door of that place and opened it, turning to the corner and seeing a long hallway that led to an elevator. Next to the elevator were stairs going straight down, from what the sign said. You went down the hall and stood in front of the elevator, pressing the down button. It chimed and the sliding doors opened, revealing an empty space. You went in and looked at the side where buttons should be and to your relief, there were numbers on it. You pressed the number 1 and the doors closed, startling you for some reason. The fact that you crashed your head into the wall didn't help your now jitteriness to this entire situation.

The elevator stopped and the movement of it going down playing right into your growing motion sickness. On the verge of vomiting, you swallowed saliva that built up in your mouth and wiped your forehead covered in sweat as the doors opened and you walked right out. You looked around and saw an empty front desk. This place looks like a lobby, am I in an apartment complex? You thought to yourself. You decided to ask aloud if there was anyone there but as expected, no one answered. You went to the desk and looked inside the area, leaning over it and trying to see if there was anybody in the back. Funny, there wasn't even a bell here in the front where there usually would be one to ring for assistance. You left the area and walked to where there were huge glass doors. Alas, there was an outside after all. You went out the doors and looked around not seeing a soul in sight.

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