𝟒𝟏, 𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐰

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Chapter Forty One.
"We're in the Endgame now."

Sometimes we fear the unknown

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Sometimes we fear the unknown. But I find it scarier to deal with what you already know will happen. The inevitable. It's terrifying in its own twisted way. And sure, you can always choose to run away from it all, but in the end it won't do much better. You're just going to be holding off what is bound to happen. Now, when the inevitable comes and you face it head first, what would you do with the outcomes of that? The chain of events that will begin to unravel in an instant now that it's all happened in an instant. You would assume the worst would be over, but you don't plan ahead for what is upcoming. I suppose that would be because after the inevitable occurs its back to the unknown. So it will end in that spiral constantly. Some will deal with that in ways that other won't. It will be challenge for all. Now that what was most feared has arrived. The arrival may only end up being the easiest part, though. As has been said more than once, it is what comes afterwards that needs to be prepared for.

Athena put her hand to her forehead. She felt that same light headedness once more. Voice continually screaming at her. Athena could see glimpses of the future, but none of them were set in stone. They were all way to blurry for her to see clearly. Athena could hear Wanda, Natasha, and Steve fighting back on Earth. She only saw visuals of them, but she could see how Steve and Natasha had been helping Wanda and Vision. It only worried her even more when she saw how Vision was in more pain. Athena could feel the power of the Mind Stone coursing through her. Yellow hues surrounded her hands as her eyes flared the same color. Her mind was going insane with her seeing the battlefield back in Wakanda. A part of her wished she hadn't left, but she knew that the team on Titan also needed assistance. She only wished that the pain she felt was enough to cancel out the dark matter that tried to work its way into her mind once more. She could feel the negative emotions flood her, and it was clear to her that she could lose control soon.

Meteors continued to fall down on Titan. SpiderMan did his best to swing back and fourth and get the other out of the way, as they'd been in pain from Thanos's swings at them. "I got you. I got you." He said as he webbed Mantis and Drax to a safer location, although both were barely conscious. "I'm sorry I can't remember anyone's names." SpiderMan then added.

Thanos lifted any scrap metal out of his way as he walked towards Doctor Strange. Athena turned to see this, and worry grew inside her. Doctor Strange moved his hands together and had his two shields appear before him. He put his hands to the gourd and created a high powered lasso blast and sent it at Thanos. Athena added onto this by clapping her hands together and sending a wave of dark matter merged with energy manipulation Thanos's way.

Thanos seems to have dodged both blasts, as he did this he realized Athena's nose had been bleeding black blood. This could only mean one thing. Thanos took this to his advantage. He used the Power Stone to send a blast at Doctor Strange, but Athena created as shield for him. The second Athena was open, Thanos sent the same blast at Athena. She got sent blasting back and hit her head on the ground. She felt the back of her head and when she brought her hand forward she saw more black blood on her fingertips.

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