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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟖: 𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟖: 𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲

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Mordo stepped forward. He walked towards Stephen, Athena, and America. He had a lifeless facial expression. He made it about a yard from Stephen and narrowed his eyes. "I always suspected this day would come." Mordo told him. "You did?" Stephen asked him. "Yes. Because you always suspected this day would come." Mordo said, as he walked closer to him.

"My brother." Mordo then said without a word of warning, as he pulled Stephen into a hug. "All right." Stephen murmured, as he hugged back. Athena felt a sudden surge of power. Athena's fingertips turned an ashy black color. Athena took the parchment Agatha gave her, and looked over it while Stephen and America were distracted. It confirmed Mordo had the Darkhold, and Athena wanted it.

"Come, and tell me everything... About your universe." Mordo then told them. He turned around and walked into the sanctum. Athena put the parchment away once more. Stephen turned to face America, who was slightly confused. "We go on red." Stephen then said, as he gestured for America and Athena to walk in front of him.

Athena stepped inside the Sanctum she looked around. It was identical to the one she knew, but it was flipped around in this universe, so it felt like right was left and left was right. America and Stephen sat down as Mordo offered tea. Athena walked around, looking at the bookcases and several ancient objects in the room. "You're quite formidable too, it seems. A multiversal traveler." Mordo said to America.

"But thank the stars you brought Doctor Strange to safety. And with Ultra Violet, it seems." Mordo said. Athena looked over to him. "I'm Ultra Violet on this Earth too?" Athena asked him. Mordo took a brief pause. "You were, yes." Mordo nodded. "Well, just 'cause we jumped ship, doesn't mean we're safe." Stephen then said, and Mordo turned to face him.

"Our Wanda, my sister, has the ability to conjure demons and monsters to attack America in other universes." Athena told him. Mordo nodded slowly. "So she has the Darkhold?" Mordo asked her. "Oh, you know of the Darkhold?" Athena asked in response. "Oh, yes. We have a Darkhold in this universe, too. I got it here in this Sanctum. We would never risk a weapon that dangerous falling into the wrong hands."

Athena's eyes didn't flare violet and her fingertips didn't have the black ash covering them. She played it off normally, as she didn't want to risk Mordo catching on. "Damn right." Stephen nodded. "If your Darkhold is anything like ours, I'm afraid she can do far worse than just summon monsters, to come after you." Mordo told them all.

"What do you mean?" America asked. Athena leaned against the bookshelf, as she too was intrigued, but wasn't the one to question it. "There is a spell contained within those pages. Corrosive to the soul. A desecration of reality itself. Dreamwalking." Mordo responded. "A dream walking sorcerer projects their own consciousness from their universe into another." He then continued, as it got dark all around.

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