Chapter 31

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Xavier's POV

I don't understand how one could be so dishonest and prideful ... My father has yet to give me the footage of the attack that happened at the ball three months ago. Though I wish I could just order him, I cannot because he is till technically king and my father. I do not know what my Father is hiding but I will find out soon, it has put my mate in danger and I refuse to loose her after just finding her.

Speaking of that fiery queen wolf her parents are here and I am kind nervous to finally have a thorough conversation with them. I just whisked their daughter away and I haven't truly talked to her father or brother. Her Mom seemed the complete opposite of her and that surprises me because she adores her so much.

Maybe it's from the lack of affection I get from my Mother. For a while she was the greatest Mother ever and then one day things had just changed drastically. She began to distance herself and never spend time with me. She rarely talked with me and I was always with a Palace Maid or Nanny. My Mother and Father used to be very affectionate then they stopped and the terrible arguments and yelling would occur.

I told Amelia to meet me for lunch, I have been busy trying to figure out the reason and people behind the attacks that we haven't really spent time together. I do have news to tell her at this lunch and hopefully she takes it well. Tonights dinner is also important and one of the main reasons her family is here. I was waiting for her to arrive to our lunch and she's kinda late but I understand worthy all the guard surrounding the palace.

I had set up a little table in the backyard of the house which the woman who took care of me lived in. There were sandwiches, and fruits, and some juice along with water. I had sat in one of the two chairs and got up when I smelt her scent. I stood up and decided to walk around the house t0 great her. When I saw her she had a slight smile and looked stunning.

No matter what she wears her beauty always catches my eyes. We finally reach each other and she pushes me. I stumble back a little and straighten myself up, "Why didn't you come and greet my family? That wasn't very Prince Charming of you." she said annoyingly at me.

"I'm sorry Lia, I had important meeting with my Father. It was about the attack at the ball." I finish while reaching for her hand, I pull it up to my mouth and press my lips against them.

"What can I do for you forgiveness My Queen?" I say to her and pull her close to me.

"You can feed me food." I smile and put my lips close to her ear to whisper.

"Anything you wish, I will bend the world to make it true." I say in a whisper and I feel her body shiver in my arms. I feel my wolf and mines satisfaction at the same time. I eventually pull away and she sighs, "I have food for you, let's go." I pull her by her hand and walk her to the backyard where I set everything up for us.

We walked towards the table and I pull her seat out for her and she mumbles a thank you while looking at all the sandwich options. I walk around to sit in my chair while she picks up a baked ham sandwich, she tales a big bite and her eyes light up. "Xavier, did you make this yourself or did you have maids make it like a little princely boy." she says and I slightly chuckle.

"No, I made everything here myself. I was taught how to cook by one of the palace maids when I was boy. I didn't;t really spend much time with my Mother so usually I was around the palace help. Do you like the sandwich?"

"Yes, it is really good and I wouldn't expect you to know how to cook."

"Can you cook Lia?" she slightly chokes on her sandwich but coughs and straightens her posture.

"No I cannot, when I lived alone I would get fast-food or take home food from my Mom or Macy. Here I can get a pass without almost burning down kitchens." I chuckled again, she is so fascinating and beautiful. "Yeah definitely don't do that here, I don't need you poising yourself with your own food you cooked yourself." I say after finishing a sip of juice.

"Wow, Prince Charming being mean and insulting people. I truly have done a great job with you." She says while smirking at me.

"Amelia the have to talk about something serious." She puts her sandwich on her plate and puts all her attention onto me.

"My parents are to step down as King and Queen in a month, that means we have take our place as King and Queen. Which means that there has to be a Royal wedding and we have to finish the mate process. At tonights dinner I am expected to propose to you." I finish saying to her and I can basically see her breathing stopping.

"But we only have had 4 months together just as regular Prince and common girl." she says in a stutter full of shock and disbelief.

"Amelia you're far from common, I wish we did have more time before we took on our duties but I would do it if it means that you'll be right by my side." I say trying to give her reassurance for the current shock she's going through.

"Xavier I was just a regular warrior wolf how am I going to be fucking Luna Queen?" She says while getting visibly annoyed. "There was no warning, this is all just happening and I don't know if I can do it. I was once living a normal life and didn't have this much responsibility of being a queen. I mean have you seen me at my lessons?" She finishes.

"Yes I have seen you at your lessons and you're a terrible dancer." I say and she reaches over to hit me.

"Be serious, I am serious right now and you're being Prince Dickly." she says and I laugh at the nickname.

Amelia, I have no doubt in my mind and heart that you will be a great Queen. It is who and what you're destined to be and I know you feel it and the urge. It's because it is part of who you are and being King is prt of who I am. You don't have to be Luna Queen like my Mother." I reach over and grab both of her hands across the table to give her reassurance.

"You can be my Warrior Luna." I say

Enjoy this very special chapter>>3333

-your fav author (I guess)

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