Mirabel Madrigal | #1

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" Many years ago, this candle blessed our family with a miracle. Our house, our casita, came to life with magic!"

Abuela spoke as she held a candle close to her chest while her hazel eyes were focused on the crowd that stood before her. Today was another gift ceremony for a certain Mirabel, if i remember. Daughter of Julieta and Águstin, and youngest sister of Luisa and Isabela Madrigal. And as from my part, I came from the Gúzman family, and is the youngest. The Gúzman and the Madrigal never really had an interaction, except between the children, infact, Mariano, mi hermano, would often talk with Julieta's eldest child, Isabela. And due to their first exchanged speech together, he wouldn't stop rambling about her — and most of his anecdotes about her were quite the mess, as he would remain naive in front of the many rejections Isabela has done... my brother can be quite the idiot but, he's not a bad guy. Ever since I was little, Mariano have always taken good care of me and mama, plus, he's pretty poetic when it comes to literature. If I were Isabela, I'd give him a chance atleast.

Once Abuela Alma's dialogue came to end, the lights were suddenly directed at their Casita's entrance, and there appear Mirabel. She wore a cutesy white dress, with a bow attached on her hair and green glasses, she was adorable. The little girl would brush her eyes around her before she reached to the stairs, and slowly walked up in order to meet Abuela Alma. They would hold hands for a while, exchanging smiles before Mirabel head to her door, from her body language, even from a distance, i could see excitement shine in her movements, and when her fingers finally made contact with the doorknob...

it - disappeared? ...

Everyone was stunned, and so was I. Mirabel, confused and lost, looked up to Abuela Alma who seemed as confused. "Mirabel.. ? Are you - Okay ?" My voice resonated in the silent room who was once filled with claps and laughters - and as I spoke, the little girl turned her head to me. Tears drooling down from her eyes, reaching the bottom of her chin. She definitely felt humiliated.

This ceremony, is a mess.


"Querida! Wake up, the ceremony's today and we must help the Madrigal's family with the preparations!" Mariano shout from downstairs, despite his information, i did not want to get up anytime soon. For once i felt comfortable in my bed, my blankets weren't as heavy as they usually are, and my pillow would warmly embrace my head. "Nghh.. sí, sí Manito.. Cinco minutos màs.." (Yes, yes bro, five more minutes) I responded in a tired and muffled tone. "Por favor, chaparrita , levantarse!" (Please, shorty, get up) Mariano's voice got progressively louder and closer - and in a sudden manner, the blanket that would cover my body was instantly taken off of me. I groaned in displeasure before giving in and opened an eye.

"Ay, ay.. I heard you.." I grunted as I weakly lifted my chest up, my brother would gently hold my back to support my weight, and that i do not fall over on my bed again.
"Ah, gracìas..
- No es nada, cariño. (It's nothing, sweetie)
- Ahh.. detente con los apodos, Manito. (Stop with the nicknames, bro)
- Haha! Sorry sis! "

I'd chuckle along with him before looking out to my window, and Mirabel walking down the main town's path caught my attention. She was circled by these kids, probably giving them a tour in her family. She'd always done this ever since, as if she's like some kind of guide. I'd admit, from a distance, she seemed adorable - I took a more closer look, and noticed Isabela. The golden child.


Isabela was everything I wanted from the beginning, perfect, beautiful, charismatic, intelligent. She was, some kind of, girl of my dreams. The way she moved, her gestures, her dances and her eyes. Everytime she looked at me, i would feel myself fluttering, atleast, my heart reacts that way.. whoa, what was that? No, no, she's Mariano's fiancée. "Well would you look at that! Mi reina.. isn't she just the prettiest?" Mariano snuck behind me. "Haha, sure. Anyways, get up, we have to do the preparations!" I scolded, he nodded while he strayed away from my bed, taking steps down on the stairs - I took one last glance at my window.

Her eyes, her beautiful hazel eyes was looking back at me. Startled, I quickly turned away and rushed down the stairs. Had she always knew about me staring? Would she qualify me as a creep? I questioned myself. "Aye, aye, Mija, be careful! Look at you, you're messy!" A gentle and motherly voice pinched me back to reality. "Ah, mama!-"
"My poor child, you didn't even bother to change! Go, go back upstairs!" She teased me, pushing me to the stairs. "We're going to the Madrigal's residence tonight, so be ready!" She informed me. I rolled my eyes before showing a smile, and nodding in response. It's true, tonight we're going to see Isabela. I wonder what type of dances will she make this time? I can't wait to see.


As I stepped out of my home, feet meeting the dry ground as the sunlight hit on my body, and suddenly hear a hurried chant.
" Look, it's Mister Mariano, hey
You can marry my sister if you wanna but
Between you and me, she's kind of a prima donna "

I'd laugh to the lyrics made by the young girl, and before I knew it "Did my sister's idiotic song made you laugh?"
Surprised, I quickly turned my head. It was Isabela, she drew a bright smile as a brow was lifted upon her face while she was leaned towards me, I lightly flushed before taking a distance. So close. "Ah, yes!.. she's really funny.." I tried to respond. She'd fix her posture as she let out a chuckle, and from her hands, a specific rose was made. She'd then twirl the flower around before giving it to me, a smile printed on her beautiful face. "Don't forget to come tonight."

"Of course."


it's also not proofread so like-

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