Alma's story | #9

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As soon as the large cracked showed up in the ground, I hurried myself over to Mirabel who immediately went after the candle. "Mirabel!-" I tried to shout before hearing a familiar voice in the distance. It was Mariano. Grief and pain stood out on his tone which made me pause for a time.


He screamed as he held his bleeding nose, running towards the house. The desperation in his voice broke my heart, but I couldn't just leave Mirabel going through a dangerous parkour for a stupid candle. So i furrowed my eyebrows, turned myself, and chase Mirabel.

Isabela tried to reach for the candle before falling from her vine as if she completely lost her power, as well as Camilo as he couldn't use his shape-shifting anymore. Felix saved his son from danger before immediately running out of the house, me ans Julieta were the only one left as we shouted for Mirabel to get down.

But she was determined, and Casita was not only forcing us to go outside, but it was also giving it's hardest to help out Mirabel who almost reached out for the candle. As the floor slide me to the exit, making me fall on my back, I felt strong arms embracing me. It was Mariano, who had broke his tears out of his eyes.

"Mi vida are you okay? You're not hurt? Oh god por favor never do it again."

He desperately asked me as he pulled me into a warm hug, which made me feel guilty, was I maybe too careless?

Instinctively, I looked to Mirabel, she had finally reached out the candle, but Casita was falling.

Terror flashed before my eyes as I've seen the bricks falling down on the courtyard, where the teenager was standing.

After the nightmare, I regained my composure, me and my hermanito quickly ran into this, now devastated, house, and thankfully the young teenager looked healthy physically. Julieta immediately ran to her, as she whispered. "Mirabel? Are you okay?" she asked in concern, gently lifting up the saddened expression Mirabel was holding. She shook her head as a response.

I looked at my side to find an injured person whom Pepa was standing next to, and the adult shouted for Julieta's presence. Me and my brother brushed our view around us, and all we could see is grief, sorrow, and shock. I was even worried for the man who lived in the walls, is he still alive? Is he okay? Did he succumbed to the horrible fall of casita? I really didn't know.

Mariano, who was holding me close to him, drift my gaze away from the sad scenario, and buried my face into his shoulders. He noticed the tears that fell down my cheeks. "Don't look, corazón, don't look." He advised.

Mariano always made me feel safe at my lowest times, whenever he would, hug me and told me those comforting words, I felt like a child. "I'm really sorry you've witnessed that, [name]."

Isabela spoke as she held my shoulder. I slowly let go of manito's embrace to look into her eyes. She was as defeated as everyone, i'm not blaming her.. she lost her home. We had this silence, before it got quietly interrupted by Julieta's scream.

"Mirabel? Where's Mirabel? Mirabel?!"

She spoke loudly, alerting us about her disappearance. The three of us begun to quickly look around, but no signs of the young girl, and progressively, screams slowly spread around the town. Her name resonated everywhere.


It was now daylight, the whole family including ours searched and called out for the missing teen. I was with Isabela, and as we remained farther away, I suddenly heard of sobbing behind my back, I turned and it was Isabela.

𝐂𝗢𝗡 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 | Isabela Madrigal x AFAB! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now