A talk | #5

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: hello! firstly, I'd like to thank @mira_tu_cul0 and @MariandaAlvamas1603 for correcting me regarding my last chapters! Again, please do not hesitate to give me feedbacks/correction or suggest certain Spanish words to replace with others if you wish to make the story more accurate. Also, I'd like to add another big THANK YOU for supporting me.


Me and Isabela were sitting on this seemingly flower bench. "What do you of my mother's arepa con queso?" Isabela asked, it's been a few time since we were together, and throughout this long period of time, she's been asking all those questions. Sometimes, she'll leave leave her room to help the other members with the decorations, or just sing a part of a song before coming back upstairs to reach her room. "Ah yes, they're truly delicious." I answered, giggling at her surprisingly childish reaction to my response. We would exchange laughters and talks,chit-chatting or express how Mariano can be quite the.. idiot.


We took a little silent break, and I continued. "Do you agree to this marriage?" I spoke nonchalantly. She looked at me with surprise. "O-of course i.."
-You're stuttering. I cur her off. I know her just like how I know that Bruno's room was a pain in the butt to get through, she don't stutter, never did. It's primarily due to her high expectations, meaning all about her, including the way she talks, needs to be perfect. And because she was an intellectual. She'd only stutter when a lie came out of her pretty lips, or genuinely vexed.

"Querida. You can tell me everything." I spoke, slowly approaching my head to hers as I rest my hand on hers. She looked dejected, slightly frowning in frustration. 'I'm not sure." She admitted, it was the first time she ever admitted something's like this to me. You see, Isabela is really closeted with her feelings, and practically never allowed herself to let her emotions get the most of her. "Oh [name].. you're such a good..
- a good parcera?"

She lightly flinched and moved her body backwards, which surprised me aswell. She looked shocked. "Is that.. not what you.."
- Ah.. no, no. Of course, you're my good friend.
- Are you sure? You don't look so good?"

I would gently stroke her cheeks with my hand while looking at her in the eyes to prove my sincerity in my concerns. She was silent for a good minute as I kept asking her if she was okay, before burying her cheeks deeper in my palm, as she begun to grew back s smile. "Yes." She spoke softly in return, which gave me back a grin aswell. She'd pull me closer to her as she rested her head on my shoulders. "Without you, I wouldn't be able to express my feelings like this." she said.

"[Name] I wish I could tell you.."
"He's here!" abuela shouted from downstairs. She looked at me with a dejected face, like the one she gave me earlier. "Tell me what?" I asked, and she sighed, smiling. "Nothing." She said. She'd then stand up from the flower bench, dragging me along. "Let's go, shall we." she'd said. There this awful feeling of guilt, i didn't know what caused it, i don't how.. but, this feeling lasted.

She'd drag me downstairs, hands in hands, it's actually so weird that we hold hands more .. thinking about it reminds me how Mariano never had the chance to actually hold her hands, what a shame for him really. Isabella's skin is so soft, and i'm not surprised as well, she's been taken good care of herself physically. Mirabel once told me Isabela never had a bad hair day. I'll cherish these moments my whole life, she was just, so kind to me. It's odd how she's showing me this fave of hers, but even if it's a fake, even if it's just a facade, i'll always love her.

We reached downstairs, and went to the kitchen. There was already the whole family sitting around the table, and close to abuela remained my mother and Mariano, who saved a special sit for me.. and fortunately for me, it was close to Isabela's place. We sat down to our chairs, and smiled. "The Gùzman and the Madrigal together, we'll be so good for the Encanto." abuela spoke. Mama chuckled and replied "Let's hope it won't turn into a horrible disaster!"

I nodded, and looked over Mirabel, who was intensively staring at Dolores, and we could see how anxious her cousin seemed. I was confused, and looked at same. "[Name] can you pass the avocado to everyone?" Mama kindly asked me. I nodded, and gave it to Mariano as I informed him to pass it to others to see if they wanted a bite. He nodded. "Avocado?" Hermano asked Mirabel, putting the avocado infront of her. And quickly enough, Dolores was sort of gossiping to Camilo.

He chocked by her information, turning his face into a messy, and weird expression. Me, Mariano and Mama were caught off guard by his face, and abuela tried distracting us by pouring wine as she nervously laugh. "Camilo, fix your face!" Felix whispered to his son. "Here [name] pass down the water." Abuela asked me. And I did. But as soon as Isabela gave the water to Mirabel, Camilo carried the gossip to his father, making spit his water on us.

Abuela hesitantly asked for a cream, and Mirabel carried the question to his father who seemed, more anxious, legit, he was pale

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Abuela hesitantly asked for a cream, and Mirabel carried the question to his father who seemed, more anxious, legit, he was pale. It looked like it was difficult for him to even reach the cream. But as the cream was passed, the gossip yet again got carried by Felix, resulting Pepa to thunder. "Pepa! The clouds!" Abuela scolded. We were so confused. I looked at Pepa, and she repeatedly whispered "Clear skies." hoping the clouds will be chased. Pepa the whispered the information to Julieta, who looked at Mirabel with shock. I knew it was related to the broken pieces.

I looked at Mirabel, who quickly sipped on her juice as she looked down, and dug her head under the table. Mariano frowned lightly to show his concerns, and leaned to Mirabel. "Mirabel?" He softly called, the teenager tried to lift up her head but only hit it under the table. "Are you okay?"
- Haha! Everything is great! She's just excited for you to propose! Which- uh, you should do! Agustin suddenly barged in
- Yes! Mirabel confirmed.
- As fast as you can!

Isabela was heavily annoyed, but she'd switch her expressions when facing us. Mariano was caught off guard by the sudden ask to propose right away, and stuttered. "Actually I.. was gonna-"
"You're actually gonna! Great!" Mirabel claimed as she spontaneously turned Isabela's chair to Mariano, wiping her shoulders. Mariano looked over me and mama, and she tried to take over the conversation. "Uh, we- well! Since everyone here has a talent! My mariano wanted to begin with a song! Luisa, could you bring over the piano!"

Luisa looked at us like a crying puppy, and agreed as she slowly got up and walked away. I bend to Mirabel. "What's going on?" I whispered. "Nghhh! Later!" She went over to mariano and grabbed his chair by behind. "Actually, it's a family tradition that you propose and sing after!"

Mariano looked at Mirabel with doubt, and gave in. "Alright..."



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