We don't talk about him | #4

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: First, I'd like to thanks all of the reads, comments and votes you guys gave me. It warms my heart as a new writer in Wattpad, the support overwhelmed me with joy, really. Please enjoy the story, and don't hesitate to give me feedbacks!


Later on, abuela Alma came in our house to talk about the marriage. When will it be settled, how will it happen, the proceeding.. and more. I didn't really want to hear any of it, no, i don't want to hear everything about it. And so, I told my mother that I will go on a walk to help some other folks in the town, she told me it was no use due to the Madrigal's help, but I insisted. At some point, she eventually agreed and I kissed them goodbye. Once I met the sunlight outside, I walked away and sought distraction. I know I may seem childish, and selfish because of my desires. But It's not fair for Isabela, she never said her thoughts about it, but it's not like she could. Sometimes, Isabela would hint the fact that her abuela was too much of a perfectionist. In fact, every unique creations Isabela has ever made, abuela Alma would distract her in order to remove this creation from her life.

Abuela can be qualified as a terrible matriarch, but from a familial perspective. Or maybe she's obsessed about something, that every members of her family around her are getting emotionally destroyed. I can't quite tell, but it's not like I have an amazing power related to empathy. As I walked a little bit more further away from the town, and noticed Luisa and Mirabel. "Nothing's wrong!" Luisa screamed, which caught me off guard, maybe she was overwhelmed and snapped I thought. I stood behind, making sure I was hidden.

"Whoa.. uh, sorry, that uh, snuck out there. Listen, why would everything be wrong? I'm totally just fine, the magic's fine, Luisa's fine, I'm totally not nervous!
- Your eyes.. doing the thing.."

Mirabel got quickly cut off by Luisa's new intervention, who came with a musical note. As she sung, she would walk away from the group of donkeys and Mirabel, lifting a rock before pushing it up to the air, which landed on her. But instead of causing any harm, the rock broke. She'd then swing her hips to each of the rocks that stood beside her, and the two of them got thrown to the other side. Whilst it was quite comedic, Luisa basically reflected the fact that she was heavily pressured by the family's burden along with the town's problems on her song, thinking about it made me realize that Luisa is the most responsible person in the town. It made me feel bad, and somehow guilty how we all rely too much on the Madrigal and barely notice how they feel behind the scenes.

Once her song came to an end, Mirabel effortlessly hugged her. "I think you're carrying too much on your shoul- Umgh!" she said. She seemed surprised as Luisa literally carried her to return her hug. Kinda like the way Mariano hugs me nowadays. "Maybe, I'm doing too much, tho I have to admit you something.. Last night, when you saw what you claimed, I felt.. weak.
- W- what do you mean?
- Luisa! The donkeys! a man shouted from a distance.
- On it!
- Luisa, what do you know?
- I don't know what's happening, I heard the adults talking. Apparently Bruno had a horrible vision before he left.
- What is the vision?
- I don't know, you'll have to figure it out yourself.
- How should I even find a vision?
- I advice you to investigate Bruno's tower!"

Mirabel sighed as she watched her sister Luisa walking away while the donkeys were carried on her back, I hid when Luisa appeared close to me, and revealed myself to the teenage girl. "Hey, I'll help you." I spoke, Mirabel was astonished to see me there. She hesitated for a moment, and started "How long have you been there?
- When Luisa sung her song. I understood that we've been stressing you out for a long time, I want to return you guys the favour."

This alone convinced Mirabel as she returned a big smile, and nodded which meant she accepted my offer to help. Quickly enough, we ran to the Madrigal's residence, and as we opened, we fell upon Isabela, who looked at us funny. "[Name]? Mirabel?"
- Ah, I-Isaa! Mirabel stuttered.
- What is this nonsense.
- Well m-me and-
- Mirabel invited me over. I lied.

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