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Being alone is fun but sometimes it's really frustrating at home with nothing to do but stream music videos. I mean, I'm enjoying it but I want to bother people, tell them random things might be about Stray kids. Han is currently at his parent's house and I don't wan to disturb him.

I've already listened to 'Wow' a thousand times today, and yeah I'm still whipped for my boys. And with that, I'm thinking of something ridiculous. I'm thinking about doing that ridiculous thing.

- twitter post

Leefelix: my desperate ass has gone mad

Leefelix: i will do something ridiculous for my boys.

Leefelix: ofc i won't harm anyone. I'm just
dumb :DD

Texting people was never my thing. But, right now, I'm really bored and I have nothing to do. The dumb thing I'm about to do? I will text random people and promote Stray kids 'Wow'. I don't intend anything harm to people so I will be very careful with the way I compose my text.

- text message (POV on right.)

to: unknown

hey boo! listen to Stray kids new song 'Wow'!! if you do then you're cool > ps. i'm not a creep..

I'm planning to text 4 random numbers. Why? Just because yk 😉.

- text message (POV on right.)
to: unknown

please listen to Stray kids  new song 'Wow'!!! stream stream stream > ps. I'm not a creep

- text message (POV on right.)

to: unknown

hey bub i know you don't know me but i know you know Stray kids so please stream 'Wow' 😚 if you do, you're an angel!

- text message (POV on right.)

to: unknown

HEYYY I'm a random stranger but i swear I'm not a creep!!! just want to tell you to listen to Stray kids new song 'Wow'! thanks boo, have a nice daaay <3



A tiring day it is. Jeongin, Lee know and I just finished our 10th and thankfully, the last interview recording for today. Our schedule will be more hectic tomorrow since the promotions in Music Shows will start already.

Being a celebrity has both advantages and downsides. The advantages? It would be the money, fame, and other things. However, in my case, I chose to be a celebrity because of my dreams. I had a strong motivation to perform on stage, and the thought of making people happy and satisfied as a result of my efforts makes my heart flutter. But of course, there are a lot of downsides as well considering my job. Privacy invasions and hate are just a few of them. I just don't understand it sometimes.

After all, what's the sense of hating on people you barely knew, right?

For the past two years, I've been living as a celebrity, and I'm forever thankful to my fans and the people who have supported me us, Stray kids; And I know that words will never be enough to express my appreciation and grateful heart for them. Others may consider two years to be a small period of time, yet it already feels long.

I often wonder what my life would be like if I weren't a celebrity. However, just thinking about it makes me uneasy. I would never meet Jeongin and Lee know, my ever-present allies. Apart from my family, they're my best friends and support system. They understand my difficulties and comfort me at tough times.

"Are we near the dorm?" Jeongin  asked.

We have been living together ever since our debut and recently, we transferred to a more big dorm. Before, the three of us used to share a room but now, we have solo rooms each which is more good because I know each of us needs a privacy as well.

"I think we're near." Lee know answered Jeongin.

"I'm still not familiar with the road since we transferred to a new dorm. But, I like it more compared to before," Jeongin said with a smile on his face.

"Right? It's more convenient too since we all have different rooms and a bathroom in each rooms," I said. "When we get home, prepare to sleep already, okay? We have a hectic schedule tomorrow." I continued.

Despite the fact that Lee know and I are the same age so the three of us agree that I should be the team's leader.
(I know Lee know is older than Hyunjin but in this story just imagine that Lee know and Hyunjin are same age and Hyunjin is the team leader). (:

"You have a hectic schedule tomorrow, boys,
Rest tonight. I'll be picking you uo early." Our
manager told us before saying goodbye.

When we came home, we all went straight to
our rooms to wash up and get ready to sleep. I texted them goodnight before going to sleep.

- text message Stray kids group chat (POV on right.)

                                                  goodnight boys~     

  have a good sleep and don't think about lot 
                                                             of things!!
                                         let's do well tomorrow

                                  i'm already proud of us < 3
Jeongin: goodnight my brother's~

Jeongin: fighting tomorrow for us!

Lee know : let's do this!!!

Lee know: i'm so excited to meet our fans~;

Jeongin: same here!!!

Jeongin: but i'm also scared :(

Jeongin: what if no one comes to see us

Lee know: what are you saying? they will be there, that's for sure. let's trust our fans <3 besides,if there will be no fans there, i'm sure they're supporting us through other ways.

                 let's not think about negative thing
                tonight, Be positive!! Tomorrow will  
                 Be good, we are claiming it(:
                                           Sleep now boys 😚

I used to believe that being the leader of the team obliged me to be positive at all times. Lee know and Jeongin, on the other hand, never failed to remind me that we are a team and that I can always rely on them when things become tough. That's why I am forever grateful to them.

I was about to put my phone down and go to sleep when another notification flashed on my screen.

Huh? It was from an unknown number?

- text message (POV on right.)

from: unknown

HEYYY i'm a random stranger but i swear i'm not a creep!!! just want to tell you to listen to Stray kids new song 'Wow'! thanks boo, have a nice daaay <3


Oh, my goodness, this is hilarious! I just got a text from a random stranger asking me to stream our own music? It seems that the person simply texted randomized numbers.


Chapter 2 was somehow an introduction to

©All right and credit goes to -
@ itzyddanegddaeng

Hey stranger (Hyunlix), Completed Where stories live. Discover now