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I was honestly holding myself back from shouting the moment I saw Hyunjin. I tried to calm down and approached him and wrapped my scarf around him.

We are currently at the elevator of the building I'm staying in. When we reached the floor of my apartment, I invited Hyunjin to go inside.

"Make yourself comfortable," I told him as we enter my place. "Do you want to eat some Ramyeon?"

"Huh?" He seem flustered with my question. Another episode of Felix being dumb.

"I mean, if you're hungry I can cook some for you. Please don't misunderstand my statement." I panicked.

"No, no. We're good," He assured. "Please calm down, Felix. Let's sit on the couch and talk, shall we?"

"Yeah," I answered. "I'm sorry.. I'm just so nervous right now. You know it. You're someone I adore, after all."

"I'm here to explain anyway," He responded as we proceed to the couch and sit down.

Even though this is my place, I tried to sit down far away from Hyunjin.

"Hey, why are you so far to me?" He asked.

"H-huh?" I can't even talk straight. Damn.

"Come near me, I'm not gonna bite you,

"Alright," I answered as I approach him.

"You told me to make my self comfortable,"
He mumbled. "But it looks like you yourself
is not comfortable with me around. Should I
leave?" He asked me with a sad voice.

"No, don't leave.." I paused. "It's just that I'm

"I understand." He said. "You can ask
questions now."

"First," I tried to breathed in, finding some
courage to ask him. "Why did you lie to me?
mean, I know it's for your safety. But, you
could've ignored me in the first place."

"I know I should," With his answer, I found a
courage to look at him trying to ease myself
from the nervousness I have felt since we
entered my place. "But I couldn't." He paused.

Hyunjin looked at me with a soft eyes and said,

"I don't know. I even told myself not to trust

"Yeah, that's understandable. I'm a complete

"But, just like how you found comfort in me," He looked at me. "I've also found some comfort in you. I was happy when you talk about me and fan boy about me."

"Hyunjin.." I called out. "I'm your fan.."

"I know."He said. "I already knew it was you the moment you attend to our fan sign event."

"What?" I was so shocked.

He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to me. This was the paper I gave him during the fan meet,

"I was actually waiting for the right moment to give you this and tell you that it's me you're talking to," He said. "I guess this is the right time."

I cleared my throat, not knowing what to say. I guess inviting him to my place was too bold of me. I didn't even consider if my heart could ever take the situation of Hyunjin being here at my place. Dumb Felix, again.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Hey, please relax yourself. It's still me, Sam."

"How could I?" I said. "Yes, you're Sam. But that doesn't change the fact that you are also Hyunjin."

Hey stranger (Hyunlix), Completed Where stories live. Discover now