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Note: this chapter contains mature content.
So be ready ;) 


It's already 1 PM and Hyunjin and I just finished eating our lunch. We woke up late, specifically at 11 AM from a cuddly and comfortable sleep. Last night, we decided to just spend our second day on Jeju Island in the guest house where we are staying.

We are currently at the living room, cuddling
in the sofa. His arms are wrapped around
My shoulders and my head rested on his

"Are you sure it's fine with you to stay here?"
He asked and faced me, well, I'm already
getting used to his face being so close to
me. I mean, we already kissed. But, yeah,
sometimes, it still fascinates me.

"Yeah," I answered. "You're a celebrity,
remember? Your safety is at risk when we go out, babe." I said and gave him a peck on his lips.

"Do it again," Hyunjin said and pouted his lips. He's so clingy. No, we're both clingy. I smiled and gave him a peck, once again. "I'm sorry." He uttered.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Just because," He paused and pat my head. "I just feel sad. I know you want us to date like what normal people do.. But, yeah. Your boyfriend can't do that. That's why I feel sorry." He said, he sounded sad.

"Why are you sorry?" I said and faced him. I saw his apologetic eyes that made me sad. "It's okay, Hyunjin. It doesn't really matter to me."

"Liar," He said. He seem so sad. I didn't know Hyunjin is such a baby. "I know you want to
go on public dates."

"Of course, I'd love to do that." I said. Now,
we're facing each other. I took his hand in
mine and stroked my thumb on it. "But, what's more important to me is you. I'm more than happy already with the simple things, babe." I continued. "Just us, eating together, chatting with each other, cuddling in bed, that's more than enough for me."

"Thank you.." Hyunjin said and pat my head again.

"I love you." I said.

"Me too."

"Hey, you should say it properly." I told him.

"I love you, Felix." He said

I cupped his face and stared leaning towards him, closing the gap between our lips.

He was surprised by my sudden action but He still manage to respond to my kiss We were kissing passionately until I slowly placed My hands on his back, rubbing it softly. He then put my hands on his cheeks cupping it, and he slowly laid me down, deepening our shared kiss. When my head was already comfortably supported by the couch, He carefully lowered his
hands and inserted it in my sleeveless shirt,
causing me to bite his ips in surprise.

"Getting impatient, Hwang Hyunjin?" I
murmured after moving away from our kiss
and gave him a teasing look. "Save it for later, babe." I said and extended his hand to me inviting him to stand up. "Let's watch a movie, instead."

"I hate you," He said and rolled his eyes. He
accepted my hand and we went to the room.

"I didn't know I have a naughty Boyfriend." I
uttered while we're on our way to the room.

"S-stop!" He said. "I was carried away by your kiss."

"You're cute, babe." I uttered.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked me. We are now on our bed, finding a film to watch on Netflix.

"Hmm," I hummed. "Have you watch 'Snowdrop'?

"Oh, the one with Kim Jisso and Jung Hae in?" He spoked. "I haven't watch that. They say it's heartbreaking."

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