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"Are you ready to go, babe?" Hyunjin asked as he watch me pack my things. We will be having a vacation on the guest house we stayed in last time in Jeju Island. Just the two of us.

"Yes," I said and I checked once again if our
clothes are already complete. "I packed a lot of clothes." He said

"Really? We won't be needing much, though."
I uttered.

"Oh right," He said and approached me giving me a teasing smile. "We won't be needing clothes, right, baby?" He said and gave me a back hug and placed his chin on my shoulders. He then planted a kiss on my neck causing me to touch his cheeks.

"You're so naughty." I said.

"Do you want to swim at the beach?" He asked me. I'm still holding his cheeks gently with my hand, and He's still hugging me. We were swaying gently with one other, as if our hearts were dancing together.

"I want to swim at the beach with you.." I

"Let's do that later then." He said.

"So Let's go?" I asked him.

"Let's go." Hyunjin agreed.

"Wait," I said.

"Hmm? Did you forgot something?" Hyunjin

"A kiss." I said. "The flight will be like for an
hour so I can't kiss or cuddle you for an hour."

He giggled with my silliness but was the one
who pulled me in for a kiss. Kissing Hyunjin will always be magical. Hyunjin moved his lips slowly causing me to do it as well and He gently pulled me closer to him, deepening our kiss. I felt a smile from his side while were kissing. He played with my tongue and sucked it hard.

I slapped him with his sudden action that
we parted from the kiss, "You always do that
when we kiss!" I said.

"I love to play with your tongue." He said and

"My tongue is so defenseless when you do that thing," I uttered that made him laugh.

"Sorry, babe." He said. "I can't resist." He said and smiled at me showing. He then approached me and talked to me
tenderly. "You don't want it?" He  asked.

"No, I.." I started. "Of course, I l-love it. It's
just making me weak!" I said shyly.

I guess I'll just do it to you when we are in bed?" He asked with a teasing tone.

"H-hey!" I shouted at him. "Let's just go."

"Yes, sir." He said as if he's my commander.



We are currently in front of the beach,
witnessing the sunset together. He's back
hugging me and his chin is placed on my
shoulders. Well, this is really our thing. It's like my safest place.

"I can't believe you'll be leaving in a week.." Hyunjin said.

"Me neither." I said. "I really don't want to

"I don't want you to leave too.." Hyunjin replied that surprised me. "But, I want you to reach your dreams. And what's ahead of you is a very nice opportunity."

"Yeah.." I answered. Honestly, if Hyunjin tells me to stay, I will. One word from him could change my decision. But, he really pushes me to go. "I will miss everything about you.."

"I will miss you too, babe." He said. "But, we
can still do video calls right?" He continued.
I feel like he wants to give me the assurance that nothing will change.

"Babe.." I started.


"Promise me, nothing will change?" I uttered
that made him giggle.

"I promise to you in front of this sun set," He said and I faced him looking at his eyes. "Nothing will change."

He gave me the most assuring smile. This is all I need.


i still hope you're enjoying this story. please vote and comment your thoughts!

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