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It's been two weeks since Felix and I talked
about us. Since that day, I've slept at his place several times and we've talked about the stories we missed about each other. He tells me stories about his life in UK and I tell him stories about my life here in Seoul while he's away.

We're currently having a conversation and
catching up with each other in his studio's
waiting room while waiting for the others to
arrive. To avoid suspicion from everyone, we
decided to arrive at the studio an hour before them.

"When Han and Lee know became a couple, wasn't it lonely for you?" He asked.

"It was a little lonely at times since they would spend their alone time in their rooms or go on dates without me and Jeongin was also so busy with his friends and family and work too," I said. "But, of course, I'm
happy for them."

"I heard from Jeongin that you have
already noticed it before they confess their
relationship," He uttered and laughed.

"Yeah, right!" I kinda shouted out of
excitement. " We always invite Han to hang out with us and They were so obvious
Then, we just waited for the two to tell the
truth since it's their relationship after all,"

"You? Wasn't it lonely for you in UK?" I asked
her. "Do you live alone there?"

"Yeah," He stated. "My whole life there feels
like a routine. I never really had the time to
have fun or like make friends,"

"Really? Why?"

"It's like every one was temporary," He said.
"Although they're good to me, I never had
someone I can lean on since it felt like my
connection with them is business relationship only. Yeah,"

"It must be hard for you," I said with a sad
voice. "I wish I was there, but, I'm such a

"You're here now. That's more important,"
He said and approached me. He held my
shoulders to face me to him. "Even so, I still
felt your presence with me when I was in UK
because you were the one who kept me going."

We were staring at each other for who knows how long, savoring our moment together until we heard a knock from the door. "I think the staff have arrived," I said.

"Yeah," He said. "I'll just go to them, I'll be
back." "Okay," I said. "I'll message Lee know to ask where they are already.'

"Okay, baby." He uttered.

Before leaving, he gave me a kiss on my
cheeks that made my heart flutter. This boy..
he really grabs every opportunity to flirt.

After a few minutes, Lee know, Han and Jeongin arrived in the waiting room. It's just the three of us since the make up artists are not yet here.

"The make up artists will be late," Lee know said when they entered the room. "Manager Kim dropped us off and left for a while to buy some food."

"Okay," I replied.

"You came here with Felix" Lee know instantly asked.

"Yeah," I said. They know that Felix and I have been spending time with each other.

"Oh," Jeongin blurted out with a teasing tone.
"What's the progress between the two of you, huh?" He asked and gave me a suspicious look.

"We're taking things slow," I said. "So, like,
friends? For now? I don't know," I said.

We were then surprised when the door
suddenly opened and, "Babe, has Jeongin,Han and Lee know arrived-" Felix was surprised when he saw Lee know, Han and Jeongin looking at him, "Oh, they're here."

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