Chapter 9 pt 3

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They ate the food Ryder packed for them. It was several dog foods, but the portion was quite big for two puppies like them. After eating, they sat next to their house.

"Phew... I'm full now." Chase cleaned his utensils.

"Yeah, me too. I feel full." Marshall also cleaned his.

Chase looked around. Some yellow leaves shed itself from the trees that covered the surroundings. The scenery was so beautiful, even Chase lost his words and unable to say anything. He enjoyed the scenery to the fullest.

"Chase, I wanna say something." Marshall suddenly said something.

"Eh, what's it?" Chase paid attention to Marshall.

"Eh... but, if I think about it, maybe it is quite useless you know." Marshall canceled his wish.

"Hey, what's it? Don't make me curious, you know." Chase asked.

"It's nothing, really." Marshall stuck his tongue out a bit.

"Psh, you made people curious yet you don't want to say it." Chase pouted. "Come on, what's it?"

"W-well, it's... not really that important, and maybe you've known it anyway..." Marshall rubbed his paws. "But alright, here goes. Chase, I'm glad to have a protective big brother like you." Marshall confessed.

"Just that? Alright, I'm disappointed." Chase acted so, and Marshall laughed slowly.

"Told you it's not that important!" Marshall said nervously.

"But... then again, even myself is glad to have a cute younger brother like you, Marshall." Chase rubbed Marshall's cheek.

"Please remove that "cute" word from the sentence before people mistaken my face as my truck." Marshall slapped Chase's paw. Chase scoffed.

"Well, I said the truth! It's better than if I say that you are ugly, right?" Chase teased him.

"You'd hurt me instead." Marshall also chuckled.

"But, the main thing is that, actually. I'm glad to have someone like you." Chase smiled.

"Yeah, me too..." Marshall yawned and laid his head on Chase's shoulder.

"Are you sleepy, dear?" Chase asked. Marshall nodded slowly while rubbing his teary eyes.

"Well then, we better take a rest at my dog house, shall we?" Chase offered and pulled Marshall's paw. They entered Chase's house.

Chase's dog house was quite big compared to the others. It was supposed to fit a big pup like Chase, but Marshall managed to fit in too. Marshall's house was a little bit smaller, but it was long instead of big.

"Watch your head." Chase lowered his head.

"Yeah..." After entered the house, Marshall took a position next to Chase and rested his head on Chase's shoulder.

"Now now, have a nice rest, okay?" Chase embraced his brother and patted his shoulder several times.

Not long after that, Marshall snored softly already. Chase actually had no intention to sleep, but seeing the calm scenery, along with the breezy wind that blew in front of his house, managed to make the Shepherd's eyes becoming heavier and heavier, moment by moment. Without himself realizing, Chase already fell asleep next to the Dalmatian.

Several hours later, Chase woke up. He saw from his door that the sunlight wasn't that bright, compared to several hours before he fell asleep.

"It must've been afternoon already," Chase mumbled. "Dear, wakey wakey. It's afternoon already, and we promised to go home before night time, right?" Chase tried to wake his brother up, but he failed.

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