Chapter 11 pt 2

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"Tag, you're it!" Chase went away.

"Hey! Get back here!" Marshall chased his brother.

They chased each other at the forest. Other than crunchy noises, their laughter filled the forest. It was also like the forest 'enjoyed' their happiness too, that a lot of leaves suddenly fell over.

"Whoa, wait, Marshall!" Chase stopped for a while.

"Gotcha! You're it! Oh, wait, what?" Marshall realized that Chase was looking at something. "Whoa..."

"This is beautiful!" Chase ran in circles, amazed with the leaves.

"Yep, it is! Man, kinda wished Ryder is here." Marshall smiled.

"How about if we let them go, tomorrow?" Chase offered.

"That'd be a great idea. We can make Ryder's dream become true, right?" Marshall giggled.

"Exactly. Anyway, how about if we rest now?" Chase asked.

"Rest? Dude, you were supposed to be it!" Marshall groaned.

"Okay, okay. After this, then." Chase tapped Marshall's shoulder. "But sadly, you are it now." He escaped.


Chase... missed those things.

"Return to us, Marshall. Please, I beg you." Chase stepped on his gas pedal and accelerated.

Marshall's scent was carrying Chase to the mountain that's located at the middle of the forest.

"That's Marshall's house!" Chase saw a red dog house next to the mountain.

Chase stopped his car and checked the house. But, he found no one inside.

"What? Where is he?" Chase sniffed the house, and noticed that...

"MARSHALL CLIMBED THE MOUNTAIN!?" Chase looked at the mountain. From what he could tell, Marshall was on the mountain.

Chase went to his car and turned on the drone.

"Bark! Deploy drone!" Chase barked and a small drone went out from his car. He flew the drone and looked to a monitor. From what the drone saw, he saw a sleeping dog in a cave at the mountain.

"There he is!" Chase yipped. "He's right... at... there..." He looked up and saw a small cave.

"Bark! Zipline!" Chase shot his zip line to the cave's mouth. Carefully, he climbed the mountain.

"I have to be careful..." Chase slowly climbed on the mountain. But, when he was about to reach the cave, a rock that he stepped on crumbled and made him lose his balance.

"AH!" He screamed and tried to hang on to a small rock.

"Who's that!?" A voice from the upper side asked.

"Marshall! Help!" Chase didn't care who was that and asked for help.

"Chase!?" Marshall peeked from the top and saw his brother hanging. "Wait!" Marshall bit the zip line with all his might and pulled his brother.

After Chase was secured, he returned his zip line back to his backpack and hugged Marshall immediately.

"Marshie! Why did you go, huh?" Chase cried in joy.

"So-sorry, Chase, but..." Marshall pushed him away. "You said that I am useless and shouldn't disturb anyone anymore... and a lot said that I'm stupid and... can't do things right..." Marshall lowered his head.

"Who said so!?" Chase asked. His tone was a bit too aggressive.

"You! Along with the others! I remember you guys were asking me to join your game, but instead you left me when I was trying to chase off the ball!" Marshall barked, which silenced Chase for a moment.

(Running Through Time) ~ A Yearbook of Chase and Marshall ~Where stories live. Discover now