Chapter 3 pt 4

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"Thus means, the last one is Rocky." Chase looked at Rocky.

"Sure, I will pick Da- never mind. I'm not into being soaked or dip myself into a water pond. The heat can melt me, but I don't wanna get myself wet." Rocky changed his answer.

"Understood. The question is actually the same like Skye's, but it is slightly different." Chase winked at Zuma.

"Uh, Chase, don't." Zuma glared at Chase.

"Rocky, how'd you feel if..."

"CHASE!" Zuma panicked.

"WHAT WOULD YOU FEEL IF ZUMA HAS THE SAME FEELING LIKE HOW DO I FEEL TO MARSHALL!?" Chase asked as quick as he can, afraid that Zuma would interrupt him.

"GOD DANG IT, CHASE! WHY DID YOU ASK IT!? DON'T YOU KNOW HOW EMBARRASSED I AM RIGHT NOW!?" Zuma approached Chase and started punching him. At least his punch won't hurt that much.

Chase only laughed. "Why, Zuma? I thought you wanted to ask!" He blocked some of Zuma's punch. Marshall kept on embracing Chase next to him.

"Ah, eh? Is it so? Is Zuma like that?" Rocky stopped their fight.

"Ah... uhm..." Zuma stopped immediately and faced Rocky, still embarrassed.

"It's alright, Zuma. My answer probably would be the same like Marshall's, "I am glad that someone cares to me personally". But... you really want to be my younger brother?"

Zuma's face were really red when Rocky offered him that chance. Rubble, Skye, and Marshall tried their best to not laugh when they saw Zuma's super confused and red face.

"He offered you already, Zuma! Take it, or leave it!" Chase giggled and patted Zuma's back.

"I'm serious, Zuma. If you wanna treat me like a big brother, I will spoil you like a younger brother!" Rocky smiled.

He didn't expect Zuma would pounce on him. It was a surprise attack, and Zuma immediately hugged him tight.

"Sure! I really want to!" Zuma licked Rocky's face several times.

"Aww! Even Zuma's response is cuter than Marshall's!" Skye laughed happily.

"Hey, hey! Stop it, Zuma! You're tickling me! Hahaha!" Rocky kept on laughing when Zuma licked him too much.

"A-alright! Sorry!" Zuma stopped licking and hugged Rocky quite close. He wagged his tail so fast, he was super excited with that answer.

"Chase, are you jealous of it?" Rubble suddenly asked.

"Jealous of?" Chase asked back.

"Zuma can be that spoiled with Rocky. They would stick really close, I'm sure of it. I mean, active-calm relationship is the cutest." Rubble giggled.

"Well, yeah! I have to admit it. Maybe there'll be one day when Zuma acted super active going here and there and I'll just say to myself, 'ah, how cute he is. No wonder I want him that much.', hehe." Rocky rubbed Zuma's face. "And anyway, stop wagging. You looked too cute with that and I'm afraid someone will blush seeing you wagging your tail like that." Rocky teased Zuma.

"Shut up! This is my body, and I can wag as likely as I can!" Zuma stuck his tongue out.

"Oh my god, I'll be honest. I'm jealous of them now." Chase laughed.

"Ah, worry not about that, Rubble! There are a lot of time for us, so eventually I'd do the same if we have time!" Marshall nodded and nuzzled Chase's face.

"Not now, Marshall. Please." Chase tapped Marshall's shoulder.

"Well, look who responded!" Skye teased. Rubble laughed once again.

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