Chapter 12 pt3

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"Mayor Goodway wanted us to perform, again." Chase started the meeting. "Skye, is there anything else than Me Gustas Tu? She asked us for a different dance." Chase looked at Skye.

"Sure! Speaking of winter, GFriend does have a song about winter. Wait, I'll take the disk first." Skye ran to the outside. After a while, she returned with a disk. "Put this in our disk player. See it for yourself."

Rocky took the disk with his pincers and put it in the disk player. They sat next to each other and looked at the screen.

"The title's Rough, anyway," Skye added.

They listened to the song closely, and also watched the music video. With a melancholic-dreamy concept, the song expressed about an unrequited love. Although it was about romance-love, there was a lyric that made Chase cried.

"C-Chase? Are you alright? Why did you cry?" Marshall noticed his brother cried, and patted his shoulder.

Chase wiped his tears and shook his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Chase took a deep breath and sighed. "The song is really nice, I have to admit. Beautiful lyrics, too. It's perfect for this Christmas."

"There's a friendship concept at the end, too. They reunited once again after a long parting." Rocky commented. "Maybe it fits just like us, right?"

"Who are we parting from?" Rubble raised his eyebrow, but then Marshall glared at him. "O-oh... I just realized. My bad." Marshall stopped and tried to calm his brother down once again.

"Psh, Rubble. Try to be more sensitive next time." Skye nudged him.

"Yeah yeah, I forgot that..." Rubble scratched his head.

"Well, I agwee with Chase and Wocky. This song is nice, and I pwefer this than the summer one." Zuma nodded happily. "But... the dance looked a little bit hawder, eh?"

"I have to admit it, yep. It's harder than Me Gustas Tu, took a longer time for me to learn the movements for this song." Skye tried to do the reff part. "But, I guess we can do it since we have no distractions now. 4 days 5 nights is enough for all of us, right?" She almost did the reff part perfectly. She struggled at the Time Machine part, where you run but you don't raise your leg, though.

"Wow, Skye. Even by just looking, you can do it almost perfectly." Rubble praised her.

"Thanks! It should've been easy if we love the song, right?" Skye winked.

"Alright then, it is settled to Rough, okay?" Chase asked the others.

"Yeah, sure! I love the instruments, and the song itself is lovely, in my opinion." Marshall agreed.

"The movement looked really hard... but eh, screw it. Leggo!" Rocky also agreed.

"If Wocky's in, then count me in!" Zuma approached Rocky.

"Well, all of us have to do it anyway, Zuma. I'm in!" Rubble also answered eagerly.

"Chase, we all agree. Tell Mayor Goodway, that Paw Patrol is on the roll!" Skye said.

"...seriously, I feel happy to see all of you being enthusiastic about this." Chase shed a happy tear. "Uh, my bad. I shouldn't show my emotional side now, haha. Wait, I'm calling her." He wiped his tear and pulled out Ryder's pup pad from his bag. He called Mayor Goodway and moved the screen to the TV screen.

"Have you discussed it, Chase? Oh, hey everyone!" Mayor Goodway noticed that everyone was gathering in one room.

"Yeah, ma'am. We're ready and also have picked a song. Give us time to practice, first." Chase answered.

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