Chapter 13 pt 3

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Mayor Goodway had to pull the team back to the back stage, and also had to carry Chase and Marshall altogether because he refused to leave his brother. Chase kept on crying in Marshall's shoulder, and no one dared to say a word. That was, until someone spoke up.

"Chase, we're truly sorry..." Skye sobbed. "It must be really hurt to lose someone you always meet everyday, right?"

Zuma cried to Rocky's shoulder. "We weally know what awe you feeling, dude..."

Rocky embraced Zuma and tried to hold his tear by lowering his hat. "Chase, I know I'm not as close as you with him, but I understand the pain you are feeling right now."

Rubble faced away from his friends. He didn't wanna let his friends seeing him crying. "S-sorry. Got some dust in my eyes." Rubble bawled.

"Chase, believe me that Ryder's still alive! Well, I am not God myself and I don't even know what is God planning, but please beg to the God that Ryder will always be alive! He won't leave us, until death itself separates us!" Marshall couldn't stand it anymore and started crying too. Mayor Goodway couldn't say anything. This Christmas was really bad for the Paw Patrol.

"But it has been 8 days since Ryder's coma status! Maybe he's dead already now!" Chase kept on howling out loud. Maybe people at Adventure Bay would ask if there was any wolf howling in the noon.

"I know! But please! Believe me!" Marshall replied, but because he was unstable emotionally, he also screamed to Chase's face. It was really tense, the atmosphere couldn't get any worse.

Until... their pup tags beeped.

"Paw Patrol... to... the hospital... now..." A soft voice, along with a sobbing voice, can be heard.

"R-RYDER!" Everyone realized whose voice was it, and ran away leaving the field as fast as they could.

With tears on their eyes, they ran to the hospital as fast as they could. One thing in Chase's mind was, his prayers were answered. Ryder was still alive.

At the hospital, the gang entered the hospital immediately and ran to the room where Ryder was taken care off.

"Don't run around the hospital's corridor!" A security warned them. But they didn't care for such a small warning and kept on running.

In front of Ryder's room, they crashed with a doctor who just went out from the room. Chase went up and shaked the doctor's leg.

"WHERE'S RYDER, DOC!? WHERE IS HE!?" Chase yelped.

"Chase, calm down! He's inside! Don't worry!" The doctor tried to calm the Shepherd down. "Calm down, guys. If all of you wanna get in, make sure you guys are quite. Ryder's awake already, but he hasn't fully regained his consciousness at all. Don't make too much noise, or he won't be able to recover."

"Alright. We will calm ourselves down first. Chase, please hold on for a second and take a deep breathe." Marshall back-hugged Chase and instructed him to do so.

Chase tried to control his emotion, and after assuring the rest that he was stable already, they entered the room.

A boy lied on his bed inside that room. Some beeping noise came from the Bedside Monitor, showing the boy's heart rate. Instead of a really slow beeping, it turned into a slow beeping. A syringe that was infused to his left wrist can be seen. It looked like the fluid was replaced moments ago. His eyes were opened already, but not too wide. He was focused to the TV, watching Adventure Bay's Now but with another performance being recorded.

"I... saw... my dearest puppies... crying..." He said softly. He hadn't realized that the Paw Patrol has arrived. "They... really miss me..."

Chase and the rest of the pups were unable to say anything. They were speechless to see their owner's condition. They were waiting for Ryder to realize that they are here already. Chase sobbed a bit, which caused Ryder to notice that his beloved puppy was here already.

"Chase... is that you...?" Ryder tried to lift his head, but he was unable to. Chase climbed the bed slowly and 'hugged' his owner, whimpered really sad. Chase nodded slowly, and cried to Ryder's chest.

No one were unable to speak. They went silent when they saw Chase tried to hug his helpless owner who laid on the bed. With all of his might, Ryder tried to hug Chase back.

"I... miss... you too..." Ryder also sobbed slowly.

"Ryder... please don't leave us again..." Chase, still bawling, tried his best to not cry too loud.

"I... can't promise that... but... I can promise... that I... will be healthy... for you guys... my good pups..." Ryder petted Chase's head softly.

The other five decided to approach their owner and sat next to a long chair which was almost as high as the bed.

"Ryder... don't move too much..." Marshall advised.

"Marshall... guys... you are here..." Ryder couldn't tilt his head to the sideways. He only saw the gang with his eyes.

"Yeah, Ryder. We... we are truly sorry about what happened." Skye, represented the others, apologized. "We had been training really hard, it was fine. Chase didn't do things that you see earlier before."

"No... it's fine, really... you guys... did the best... already..." Ryder's voice was too soft even Zuma, who was sitting at the edge, almost couldn't hear what Ryder said.

"Sowwy, Wocky, what did he say?" Zuma poked Rocky's shoulder slowly and whispered.

"He said that we did our best." Rocky answered shortly. "I... I hope that you will recover quickly, Ryder." He looked at his owner and lowered his ears. "Chase was really shocked with this, and... that was our first time seeing Chase breaking down in front of the public."

"That's okay... he is... always like that... in front of me... and Marshall, you know..." Ryder giggled, also coughing a bit. "Sorry, guys... I couldn't... take care of Chase... properly..."

"I still remember that time when you threw Chase away to the safety, Ryder..." Rubble shivered. "Really. I was thinking both of you were too late to dodge..."

"Well... unfortunately I was... but you guys didn't... at least..." Ryder smiled.

"We'll take cawe of you hewe, Wyder. Please just take some mowe west so you can wecover quickly." Zuma said to that boy. "It's noon alweady, Santa gave us what we wanted the most."

"Hehe... what is it...?" Ryder chuckled and curious, still petting Chase's head softly.

"He gave us... your consciousness, finally!" Marshall said jokingly, which caused the others to chuckle. "But, seriously. We are more than glad to know this."

"Pssh... you guys are really... something, you know..."

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