Chapter 13 pt 2

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(A.N.: [C] – Chase, [M] – Marshall, [Z] – Zuma, [Ro] – Rocky, [Ru] – Rubble, [S] – Skye

The song finally started. They did the first dance formation perfectly, along with the lining formation. They moved side by side and revealed each other. Zuma who grinned, then Rubble who only smiled, after that Marshall who looked dreamy, Rocky spun, and Skye who looked calm. They disbanded the line and revealed Chase at the behind.

[C] Wandering around in circles, still I can't approach,
Looking away from you though I wanted you to know.

Chase stepped aside, and let Marshall sang his part.

[M] But the more I try to get closer to you,
What more can I do? Hearts, oh farther they seem to grow.

Rocky and Zuma moved to the middle and stood behind each other. They sang their part.

[Ro] We're only a step or two behind,
[Z] But it feels like the opposite side.

Skye sang from the side and everyone held each other's paws.

[S] Oh I believe, that someday you and I will meet
So I will wait until eternity

Chase and Marshall walked to the front, along with Zuma and Rocky went to the right side and Skye with Rubble went to the left side. They sang together.

[A] Oh I didn't know how to say, that I love you in every way
[Ru] If I can make things to be, [S] like in a dream or fantasy

They ran slowly on their places, doing the Time Machine choreography.

[A] Wish that I can be a little older to be strong and free
[C & M] And never let you go in [A] all through the rough journey

Chase and Marshall held their paws in their part. After finishing the reff, they moved their paws to the side, spun, and kicked their legs. Every pup moved away to the left side, and Skye moved to the right side. She did a ballet spin, which amazed the audience and cheered on them. Rocky moved to the backside, and everyone else got in their position.

[Ro] I'm trying to approach you but we are missing paths,
I still haven't told you that I like you very much.

Zuma stepped to the side, replacing Rocky's position.

[Z] When I see you, I know you're hesitating,
What should can I do? I realize that we're still so young.

Everyone did a hard kicking dance. Marshall almost fell over because he couldn't balance himself, but Chase managed to held his brother from falling. They sang their part along with Skye.

[C] The distance is not closed although one step,
[M] We're revolving, just going in circles.
[Ru] But there's no way I'll give up, we'll be together some day,
I will go to you until always.

Like the first part, they moved to their position and did the first movement.

[A] My lips won't ever say the truth, that my heart beating fast for you
[S] Like a dream long time ago, [Ru] like a wish when I was young

Instead of running in place, they danced like they were about to fall while running and moved their paws like a clock hand.

[A] I wonder if I could, run forward through time and pass this all
[Ro & Zu] Go through this side of world [A] I'll tighten your hold on me

This time, Chase, Zuma, and Rocky crossed over with Marshall, Rubble, and Skye. They pushed their paws like blooming flowers. All of them returned to the line one after another. But, instead of lining up, Chase dragged Marshall's paw and held both of his paws. He stared to Marshall's face, and Marshall noticed something is wrong with Chase.

[C] But even when we get lost, trapped in the wrong zone,
[M] We will again, we'll end up together somehow.

The other four looked confused for a moment, but they decided not to question what happened and pretended it was the choreography. When Zuma and Rocky took their part, Marshall glanced to his brother and saw a tear dropping from his eye. His stare when he was looking at Marshall... was weird. It looked like he just saw a dead person.

"Chase?" Marshall mumbled.

[Z] Hoping you know now, [Ro] believe my love now,
[S & Ru] Though I'm not ready, I'll go.

Everyone lined up and faced to the side. They did kicking along with ducking movements. In the middle of that part, Marshall heard a sobbing noise. Realizing it was from his brother, he decided to pull Chase away to the back. "Take the lead, guys!" Marshall said to the others. Snow started falling in an unusual amount.

[S] (Woo woo woo woo yeah)

Marshall was right. Right after Skye's high note, Chase kneeled over while crying out loud. Almost as high as Skye's pitch, the other four didn't realize that their leader is crying and howling out loud. The wind blew quite hard and distorted the noises for a while.

"Everyone! Kept on going!" Marshall, calmly, screamed to the others and also hugged Chase as tight as he can. They just realized that Chase is crying, but they promised that they will keep on going no matter what.

[A] Wasn't able to let you know, that I really do love you so, [S] (do love you so~)
[A] All my dreams fly in the snow, just like a miracle. [S] (oh, a miracle~)
[A] If only I can go, run through time, grow up so I will know [S] (Ah~ woah~)
[A] How much you really mean to me, I will hold your hand. [S] (I will hold your hand~ Ah~ Oh~)

Skye sang the high part alone, and the other three sang the reff. Chase kept on crying and also slammed his paw on the stage once, but Marshall pulled him up and kept on hugging him. He also whispered some stuffs while closing his eyes to his brother. Everyone was surprised with what they were seeing.

"I'm sorry! I'm deeply sorry!" Marshall could hear his brother saying so in his muffled cry, at the middle of the reff. "I can't be a good pup! I am unable to protect you! I am not a loyal pup!" He screamed in fear.

"Chase! Hang on! What are you--!?" Marshall forced himself to cover Chase's mouth and hugged him tight. "Dude! Don't say so!" Marshall teared up for a moment, but he quickly wiped his tear away.

At the end of the reff, the spotlight shined to both Marshall and Chase. Marshall looked at the camera and sang with a heart-piercing voice.

[M] Promise that you will always stay, hoping that you will never change,
Smiling at me in the snow, I'll never let you go.

That part of Marshall successfully broke the other four's heart. They also started to cry, but they tried their best to hold their tears.

[A] Now that I get to go, run through time, grow up so I will know,
How much you really mean to me, I will hold your hand.

Sobbings from the dogs couldn't be avoided anymore. They moved their microphone aside and started crying.

"Chase, I know you're hurt. Just cry, don't say negative things about yourself. I want you to feel relieved by crying but not with punishing yourself. Cry, but don't say a word." Marshall whispered to Chase and rubbed his brother's chest from behind.



Chase was a really tough pup when it comes to missions. He rarely showed his emotional side to the public whenever he saw his friends, especially his owner, Ryder, on danger. He always managed to hide those feeling, until that time when he cried out loud in front of public.

Marshall calmed his brother without feeling panic at all. He kept on whispering things in Chase's ear with a hope that it'd calm the Shepherd down. They were right about Marshall. He had the purest heart among his friends, and it was his innocence that make him always getting protection from Ryder and Chase. No wonder everyone was jealous when they know that Marshall was Chase's only brother.

Everyone finally finished their dancing, still with Chase crying in Marshall's embrace, with surrounding the two middle pups and walked in clockwise.

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