from the bathroom toilet to the bottom of the stairs

8 1 0

Brielle Bassett: Well I guess you won't mind if I do this.


peeking through the side of the stall door, I saw Brielle turn on the water and fill a cup up, then she pulled a lighter out of her pocket. She threw the water on his pants and he turned around.

Brielle Bassett: See I knew you weren't sleeping.


Sabastian turns around and punches Brielle, Brielle hits the ground and is unconscious. From surprise, I gasped.

Sabastian Saw: There you are.


He opens my stall, drags me by my hair, puts my head into the toilet, and holds it there. I tried to fight him but he was too strong.

Sabastian Saw: You know I'm sorry you had to see that and that I have to do this to you.

Benjamin Donovan: What did you do Sabastian?!

Sabastian Saw: I did what you wouldn't.

Benjamin Donovan: And why are you in the stall.

Benjamin Donovan: Sabastian! Let her go!

Sabastian Saw: Stop!

Benjamin Donovan: Let her go!

Sabastian Saw: I'm doing this for us all!

Benjamin Donovan: What are you talking about?!

Sabastian Saw: Just know, I'm doing this for our good.

Benjamin Donovan: I don't care, let her go!


I bring my head out of the toilet and gasp for air, I start excessively coughing up the water.

Clau: Please just let me go.

Benjamin Donovan: You can go.

Sabastian Saw: What?! No!

Benjamin Donovan: That's enough Sabastian.

Sabastian Saw: You're gonna regret this.

Benjamin Donovan: Yeah, we'll see.

Benjamin Donovan: Good Night!


Monday, November 15th, 2021, 11:33 am, Kamp Kaeger

I woke up in the nurse's office and looked around. I had a really bad headache, I turned around and asked the nurse what happened. She just looks at me and leaves the room. What is her problem? I look around the room and it was empty. A few minutes later Brielle and Texcean walk in.

Clau: Hey, guys

Brielle Bassett: Hey

Texcean Gacy: Hey

Texcean Gacy: How are you feeling?

Clau: I have a really bad headache.

Texcean Gacy: I'm sorry about what happened.

Clau: What did happen?

Texcean Gacy: You don't remember?

Clau: No

Texcean Gacy: Sabastian pushed you down a flight of stairs.

Clau: I don't remember that.

Brielle Bassett: Lady Carmine didn't even confront Sabastian after.

Texcean Gacy: I mean why would she?, she treats him like he's superior.

Clau: Something is going on with Sabastian and Lady Carmine.

Texcean Gacy: What do you mean?

Clau: Sabastian wants to kill me and Lady Carmine has been watching me a lot lately.

Texcean Gacy: I haven't noticed.

Brielle Bassett: That's because you're always looking at Benjamin.

Texcean Gacy: So what, he's nice to look at.

Brielle Bassett: Mm-hmm

Clau: I never got to say thank you to Benjamin when he helped me last week.

Clau: Why does Sabastian hate me so much?

Texcean Gacy: Because he wants to protect Lady Carmine and you're a "Threat" to her.

Clau: How could I be a threat to her? She's really powerful.

Texcean Gacy: I think you already know the answer to that question.

Clau: Brielle, how did you know that Sabastian thought I was a threat to Lady Carmine?

Brielle Bassett: Uh... Lucky Guess?

Clau: Hmm

Texcean Gacy: Oh and since your hurt and Classes start today, Lady Carmine said you're gonna have to sit out for today.

Clau: No way!

Texcean Gacy: it's best

Clau: She has something against me and doesn't want me to learn how to use my powers.

Texcean Gacy: It's just for today.

Clau: I'm going to class!

Texcean Gacy: Ok, it's your choice but first try to get out of the bed.

Clau: ok


I take the cover off of my legs and turn to the side of the bed. I get up and almost fall over.

Texcean Gacy: See

Clau: I guess I'll sit out today.

Texcean Gacy: Ok, class is about to start so we'll see you later.

Clau: Ok, see you later.

Brielle Bassett: Bye

Texcean Gacy: Bye

Texcean Gacy: Make sure you get lots of rest.

Clau: I will


I was kinda worried for Clau, she's been through so much and it's only the 4th day at camp. me and Brielle walked to our first class and saw kids chuckling as we walked by.

Brielle Bassett: What are you laughing at?

Brielle Bassett: Get a life!

Texcean Gacy: Do you know why they are laughing?

Brielle Bassett: Obviously not!

Texcean Gacy: Hey, I thought we settled that over the weekend

Brielle Bassett: Yeah, I'm sorry.

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