Brielle and Jerry are what?!

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Me and Lady Carmine make it to what seems like Sir Price's chamber.

Sir Price: Hello, Ace

Lady Carmine: [While letting Clau's hand go and turning visible] Hello Marleu.

Sir Price: And you brought...her.

Lady Carmine: Where are my students, Marleu.

Sir Price: On their way to execution.

Lady Carmine: Marleu

Sir Price: Calm down, Ace. They're fine

Lady Carmine: I want them back!

Sir Price: You'll get them back for a price.

Lady Carmine: What do you want?

Sir Price: I want her, you know that Ace.

Ms.Carmine: Who? Clau?

Sir Price: Yes

Lady Carmine: I can't do that.

Sir Price: Oh well, say goodbye to your little students.

Lady Carmine: Wait! I-

Jerry Silk: Sir Price! Clau Escaped!

Sir Price: I know Jerry.

Jerry Silk: Oh so you decided to join us?

Clau: ...

Sir Price: Which one of you let her escape!

Sabastian Saw: It was Benjamin and Pam!

Pam Shawcross: What!

Benjamin Donovan: It was Sabastian.

Sir Price: Well since you can't decide on who it was, I'll just have to erase all of you.

Sabastian Saw: What no! It was Benjamin and Pam. Tell him Faye.

Faye Price: It was all of them.

Sabastian Saw: What!

Benjamin Donovan: What!

Pam Shawcross: What! Faye!

Lady Carmine: Why Don't we settle this over a game of Crossover. If we win you give me Brielle and Texcean. And If we lose We'll give you Clau. But I want Sabastian, Pam, and Benjamin.

Sir Price: Ok

Clau: What!

Lady Carmine: Trust me Clau.

[10 minutes later , on the field and an hour into the game]

Lady Carmine: Sabastian, come here.

Sabastian Saw: Yes?

Lady Carmine: I want you to go grab Brielle and Texcean from the Chamber then when you have them I want you to yell Kamp Kaeger.

Sabastian Saw: Ok, I'll be back.


I Fly to the middle of the Sky and let out a cry for Sabastian. Didn't know I could do that.


I hear Clau cry out as I'm running to the Chamber. In the moment I had to make the decision to either go to the chamber and get Brielle and Texcean or go back to the field and help Clau. I decided to go help Clau.

Sabastian Saw: I'll be back for you Brielle and Texcean!


I get back to the field and see Pam on the ground and Clau in the Sky. I look around and see Arma, a descendant of Tefnut, running towards Pam with a Sword made of water.

Sabastian Saw: Clau! Get Pam!

Sabastian Saw: Clau!

Clau: Huh!

Sabastian Saw: Look Down!


I look down and see Pam on the ground hurt and Arma running towards Pam. As Arma was running towards her I put a shield around Pam and lifted her into the air. Arma gets to her and starts throwing balls of water at the shield. I didn't know I could do that either.

Arma: Ugh

Arma: Come and fight!

Arma: Let the shield down!

Arma: Clau!, you can't just hang out in the sky this whole battle.

Arma: I'll get you down


Arma forms a ball of water in her hand and starts Chucking balls at me. I couldn't fight Arma and protect Pam at the same time.

Clau: Sabastian, A little help over here!

Sabastian Saw: oh, ok!


Sabastian raises his fist to the air and hits the ground. Everyone flies back and hits the ground. I didn't know Sabastian could do that.

Clau: Nice Sabastian

Sabastian Saw: I'm gonna go get Brielle and Texcean now

Clau: ok

Sabastian Saw: I'll be back

Clau: ok

[10 minutes later]

Sabastian Saw: Brielle? Texcean?

Brielle Bassett: It's about time someone came to get us.

Texcean Gacy: Brielle, who is it?

Brielle Bassett: It's Sabastian

Texcean Gacy: Ugh

Sabastian Saw: You're not mad?

Brielle Bassett: No, why would I be?

Sabastian Saw: Because we just sent you off to get killed- Jerry erased that memory from your minds.

Brielle Bassett: He did?!

Sabastian Saw: Yeah

Brielle Bassett: Why?

Sabastian Saw: Because he was tired of you and when he went after you and found you at Texcean's house, Texcean tried to fight him and he decided to send you both off to be killed by Sir Price. It's a long story.

Texcean Gacy: Brielle, why was Jerry going after you?

Brielle Bassett: It's because we were at the maze playing our annual game of Capture the flag and I was tired of being under him my whole life so I ran away. And we're siblings.

Sabastian Saw: What!

Texcean Gacy: How?! Y'all are from two different families.

Brielle Bassett: [Exhales] When I was small my family was killed in a fire and I lived so I became an orphan. I was taken to Mare Orphanage, Where I met Jerry and a few weeks later we were both adopted by Dr. John, who works for Sir Price, so we were trained to take assignments from Sir Price. We were given an assignment to make sure Clau doesn't know that she's a peakteu.

Texcean Gacy: Wow. Sabastian can you get us out of this cage now?

Sabastian Saw: Oh, yeah!

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