let the games begin!

1 0 0

Brielle Bassett: Why? I want to play.

Jerry Silk: Sorry Brielle but one person has to sit out or the teams would be uneven.

Clau: Why don't you play so the teams can be even.

Jerry Silk: Someone has to watch and someone has to help me set things up.

Clau: Ok

Jerry Silk: Ok, everyone follow me to the start of the maze.


We all followed Jerry and Brielle to the middle of the maze. It all seemed weirdly suspicious.

Clau: Jerry, How do you know the Maze so well?

Jerry Silk: Oh, I used to come here a lot when I was little.

Jerry Silk: But that doesn't matter.

Clau: How did you come her a lot when you were little but you've been in Gardom your whole life?

Jerry Silk: Don't worry about it.

Jerry Silk: Ok, everyone we are here.

Jerry Silk: Tia, Clau, Sabastian, Charlie, and May are on the red team, and Alexis, Jamie, Taylor, Pam, and Josephine are on the blue team.

Jerry Silk: Here are the rules; DO NOT let the other team get your flag, ALWAYS protect your flag, and Finally KILL the other team to win.

Clau: No way

Jerry Silk: Yes way, Clau and if you try to escape or not play the game, I placed devices in your drinks so if you try anything you will be killed.

Clau: I should've stayed home with Benjamin

Jerry Silk: Yeah you should've

Jerry Silk: Ok shall we begin the game?

Blue Team: Yeah!

Taylor Baron: Been waiting for this!

Clau: Whoa! They already knew about this?

Jerry Silk: Yeah

Jerry Silk: Oh and I forgot to tell you but the whole blue team are trained murders.

Clau: That's so unfair.

Jerry Silk: Not for me, and whichever team wins will participate in next year's game.

Clau: Is that supposed to be a prize or something?

Jerry Silk: The game will begin in 10 minutes so prepare yourselves.

Jerry Silk: And help yourself to any kind of weapon.

Jerry Silk: Red team you can talk or train on the left and blue team on the right.


Our team started to discuss and train for the game.

Clau: Are we seriously gonna kill these people?

Sabastian Saw: We have to or they're gonna kill us

Clau: But we're gonna die anyway, they are trained killers!

Sabastian Saw: That's why we have weapons.

Jerry: 30 seconds remaining!

Clau: Tia, hand me that knife, and some of those grenades.

Tia Calloway: ok

Tia Calloway: here

Jerry Silk: Travel to your sides then we will start.

Jerry Silk: Come on Brielle.


The teams traveled to their side where their flag was.

Jerry: Everyone Ready?

Blue Team: Yeah!

Red Team: .....

Jerry Silk: Ok, let the games begin, and don't forget to PROTECT your flag at ALL costs.


I looked around and saw that My team looked very worried and scared.

Clau: It's ok guys just stay focused and don't get cocky just because you kill one person. Being cocky will get you killed.

Red Team: Ok

Sabastian Saw: Ok let's all split up, Clau and Tia come with me.

Clau: Ok

Tia Calloway: Ok

Sabastian Saw: Charlie and May y'all are together.

Charlie Hudson: Ok

May Fin: Ok

Sabastian Saw: C'mon Clau and Tia

Clau: ok

Tia Calloway: ok


I felt very worried but ready at the same time. Me, Tia, and Sabastian walked around the Maze and we found a spot where we could hideout.

Sabastian Saw: We can hide out here guys.

Clau: Ok

Tia Calloway: Ok


We hear somebody let out a loud cry, and Jerry speaks through a megaphone.

Jerry Silk: It seems that May has been knocked out of the game by Josephine.

Sabastian Saw: We have to step our game up now.

Clau: For sure

Tia Calloway: Ouch!

Tia Calloway: Somebody threw a tranquilizer dart at me.

Clau: Wait no! Tia, you can't-

Clau: Fall out.

Jerry Silk: OH! And Taylor Shoots Tia with a tranquilizer dart!

Jerry Silk: Oh! And Charlie Shoots Taylor, knocking Taylor out of the game!

Jerry Silk: 8 players Remaining.

Clau: Sabastian!

Sabastian Saw: Huh?

Clau: You hear that?

Sabastian Saw: Yeah wait here.

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