and our adventure begins!

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We all walked slowly into the woods not knowing what we were getting into. It was so dark and there was a full moon. I've always heard about the moon but I've never actually seen it before since the sky is invisible from where Kamp Kaeger is and our homes.

Clau: There's the moon

Texcean Gacy: Wow

Clau: I can't believe we've never seen it before.

Texcean Gacy: Same

Sabastian Saw: Are we seriously gonna walk this whole time?

Clau: Of course not, I found a map in Lady Carmine's office.

Clau: There's a train that comes at 12

Benjamin Donovan: Well it's 11:30

Clau: That's why we need to hurry, but It's dark and I can't see anything.

Brielle Bassett: Oh I forgot to tell you all I brought flashlights.

Sabastian Saw: How are you not prepared and you're the one that planned this?

Clau: Some of the stuff that we needed I didn't have access to.

Brielle Bassett: Just grab a flashlight.

Clau: Well I guess we're ready now.


We all continued walking through the woods for about 20 minutes then we stopped at the train tracks.

Clau: Finally

Clau: Benjamin, what time is it now?

Benjamin: 11:50

Clau: So we have a few minutes to rest.

Sabastian Saw: I'm full of energy

Benjamin Donovan: It's the snake part of you.

Sabastian Saw: I'm quite aware

Clau: Look, the trains coming.

Clau: Everybody, get ready.

Clau: We have to run and jump the train.

Pam Shawcross: After walking through the woods for 20 minutes, we're gonna jump a train!?

Clau: That's the only thing we can do if we don't want to be walking for like 3 more hours.

Clau: Everyone, get up.

Clau: Brielle Bassett: Ugh

Clau: Ok when it comes everyone jumps.

Clau: Ready?

Sabastian Saw: Yes Clau we're ready.

Clau: On a count of three if that's ok with you, your highness Sabastian.

Sabastian Saw: I'll allow it

Clau: Not even gonna entertain your ego.

Clau: It's coming

Clau: 1...2...3! JUMP!

Clau: Pam! Why didn't you jump!?

Pam Shawcross: I don't know, I'm nervous!

Clau: You have to jump!

Pam Shawcross: The trains to fast!

Clau: We have to help her!

Sabastian Saw: C'mon are we really gonna sit here and forget that she literally has super speed, we all do!

Clau: She's a siren. She only has super speed in water!

Benjamin Donovan: I'll get her.


When Benjamin jumped out of the train and grabbed Pam, I don't think he thought about how he would need super strength too.

Benjamin Donovan: I need a little help.

Brielle Bassett: I'll help you

Sabastian Saw: What!

Brielle Bassett: Benjamin, you run and I'll pull her on the train.

Pam Shawcross: pull me!?

Brielle Bassett: There's no other way.

Brielle Bassett: You ready?

Benjamin Donovan: Yeah

Brielle Bassett: Ok, come on.

Clau: Hurry!

Brielle Bassett: We're trying!

Benjamin Donovan: I'm ready for you to grab her!

Brielle Bassett: Ok!

Pam Shawcross: Aaaah!

Clau: Jump on, Benjamin.

Benjamin Donovan: Ok


Benjamin and Brielle jumped on the train and they were panting hard.

Sabastian Saw: You ok?

Brielle Bassett: Yeah

Clau: I was worried y'all wouldn't make it.

Benjamin Donovan: Same, honestly.

Clau: Now we just wait till sunrise.

Brielle Basset: I'm taking a nap, did anyone bring a blanket?

Sabastian Saw: I did, we can share if you like?

Brielle Bassett: Sure


I was sleepy but I couldn't sleep so I just stared outside the train thinking about how it's finally happening and how I might actually find out why I'm so different from my family.

Clau: Benjamin?

Benjamin Donovan: Huh?

Clau: Thank you for coming with me.

Benjamin Donovan: I should be thanking you. I wouldn't have ever done this by myself but you're allowing me to possibly find my parents.

Clau: What happened to your parents.

Benjamin Donovan: They went on a trip to the outside world a few months ago and they never came back.

Clau: I'm basically invisible to my parents.

Benjamin Donovan: Well they're missing out.

Clau: (Laughs)

Benjamin Donovan: Good night.

Clau: Good Night

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