Brielle Bassett: Ok, we're back
Brielle Bassett: But we might need to run because somebody might be running after us.
Clau: I knew this wasn't a good idea
Brielle Bassett: Well it's already been done.
Brielle Bassett: C'mon let's go, what are y'all waiting for!?
Clau: Ok
We kept running until we reached a little abandoned house.
Brielle Bassett: We can hide there.
Clau: Ok
We walked into the abandoned house and looked around. It smelt like cherries and death.
Brielle Bassett: This will have to do.
Sabastian Saw: It smells awful in here.
Brielle Bassett: We're just using it to dye her hair.
Clau: Do you know how to dye hair?
Brielle Bassett: No- But there are instructions on the back.
Clau: Ok, let's get this over with.
Brielle read the instructions on the box and started dying my hair. About 1 or 2 hours passed and Brielle said she was done.
Brielle Bassett: Finished!
Clau: Finally.
Clau: Anyone have a mirror?
Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: I do
Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: Here you go.
Clau: Thank you
Clau: It looks really good.
Brielle Bassett: Thank you
Sabastian Saw: Have y'all been quiet this whole time?
Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: No, we've been talking to each other.
Sabastian Saw: So you've been quiet this whole time, got it.
Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: I-
Clau: Oh I meant to tell you guys that Pam is missing.
Sabastian, Benjamin, Brielle, Texcean: Oh!
Brielle Bassett: That's who wasn't here.
Texcean Gacy: How do you go this whole time knowing that she's missing and not tell us?
Clau: I forgot
Texcean Gacy: You forgot that Pam was missing!?
Clau: Yeah
Benjamin Donovan: Maybe she was using the bathroom and got lost.
Clau: Then we need to find her.
Brielle Bassett: But what about your eyes, Clau?
Clau: We'll worry about that later.
Brielle Bassett: Ok
We left the abandoned house and started to look for Pam. We started by looking inside gas Stations. We didn't see Pam in any of the gas stations, so we started to just walk around town.
Sabastian Saw: This is taking forever.
Brielle Bassett: I know right
Clau: It's not that bad
Kamp Kaeger Kids
Teen FictionClau, a thirteen year old "Minotaur", in a world of descendants of ancient Greek mythology creatures has a lot to learn about herself. Along the way she finds herself in the weirdest situations.