no idea where his body went

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Sabastian Saw: You can go inside with her and I'll stay out here in case I have to run away.

Brielle Bassett: Fine, come on Benjamin.

Benjamin Donovan: I think I'll go stay with Clau at the hospital.

Brielle Bassett: Really? You guys are gonna leave me to explain to Tia why her dad's dead body is on the floor.

Sabastian Saw: Yep, pretty much.

Benjamin Donovan: I'm sorry, Brielle

Brielle Bassett: it's fine, I'll see you tomorrow.

Benjamin Donovan: Bye

Brielle Bassett: Bye

Brielle Bassett: I'll be back in like 10 minutes

Sabastian Saw: ok


I follow Tia into the house feeling like I was going to faint. I wanted to stop Tia from opening the door but I had to relax. So I let her open the door and whatever was inside she would find, but then something crazy happened.

Tia Calloway: Look I'm glad you're here because-

Brielle Bassett: It's ok, I know

Tia Calloway: But thanks anyway.

Brielle Bassett: No problem


Tia opened the door and I couldn't believe what I saw.

Brielle Bassett: Oh thank God!

Tia Calloway: What?

Brielle Bassett: Oh nothing, look I have to go, Tia. I'm gonna go check on Clau.

Tia Calloway: Oh can I come?

Brielle Bassett: Uhh, sure!

Tia Calloway: Ok


I was so relieved from what I saw but I can't decide if it's good or bad then we just walked to the hospital.


I got to the hospital to stay with Clau for the night.

Benjamin Donovan: Nurse, I'm here to see Claudette Mason.

Nurse: You need to have a parent present, since you aren't 18.

Benjamin Donovan: My dad is Dr. Jason.

Nurse: Ok, she's in room 224.

Benjamin Donovan: Thank you


I walked to Clau's room and asked my "dad" about her, he left and I talked to her while she was asleep.

Benjamin Donovan: Hey, dad!

Dr. Jason: Hey, Benjamin.

Benjamin Donovan: How is she?

Dr. Jason: She's stable and her ribs are bruised but she'll be fine.

Benjamin Donovan: Ok, thanks, can you give us a minute.

Dr. Jason: Yeah

Benjamin Donovan: Clau, I know it's weird for me to talk to you while you sleep but I need someone to talk to.

Benjamin Donovan: I just want to say I'm sorry. We never wanted you to get hurt.

Benjamin Donovan: I know you can't hear me but I just wanna say is DON'T trust anyone.

Benjamin Donovan: You're the best thing that ever happened to me even though you don't know it yet.

Benjamin Donovan: Hopefully, you will soon.

Sabastian Saw: Wow that was a beautiful sentiment.

Benjamin Donovan: dude!

Sabastian Saw: Don't worry I didn't hear anything except the whole thing.

Sabastian Saw: Wow dude why don't you just tell her how you feel?

Benjamin Donovan: There's nothing to tell!

Sabastian Saw: Sure.

Benjamin Donovan: Where is Brielle?

Sabastian Saw: She's coming

Benjamin Donovan: Ok, can you leave?

Sabastian Saw: Why? So you can finish confessing your love to Clau while she's sleeping?

Brielle Bassett: Sabastian, leave him alone!

Benjamin Donovan: Leave!

Tia Calloway: Where's Clau?

Benjamin Donovan: Oh my God, you know what, y'all stay I'm leaving, I'll be in the waiting room.

Tia Calloway: What's his problem?

Sabastian Saw: Love

Tia Calloway: "Love"?

Sabastian Saw: Love

Tia Calloway: alright.

Sabastian Saw: She looks dead.

Brielle Bassett: Ted!

Tia Calloway: she does tho.

Sabastian Saw: Brielle, I need to ask you something in the hallway.

Brielle Bassett: Ok

Sabastian Saw: What happened at the house?

Brielle Bassett: Oh I meant to tell you, the body wasn't there anymore.

Sabastian Saw: Ok

Brielle Bassett: But I don't know whether that is good or not.

Sabastian Saw: It's good.

Brielle Bassett: But it could be bad because he could still be alive but the only way it could be good is if somebody did something with the body.

Sabastian Saw: How is that the reason for it being good? if somebody moved the body and it wasn't us that means somebody knows about it.

Brielle Bassett: Oh

Sabastian Saw: "Oh"

Brielle Bassett: Maybe Benjamin knows something.

Sabastian Saw: How would he have the time to move the body he was with us?

Brielle Bassett: He could have called somebody.

Sabastian Saw: Benjamin? calling someone to get rid of a body? Never.

[Samantha Grace's house]

Jerry Silk: [knocks]

Samantha Grace's "Mom": Just a minute!

Samantha Grace's "Mom": Who is it?

Jerry Silk: It's Jerry, ma'am.

Samantha Grace's "Mom": Hi, Jerry.

Jerry Silk: [while walking past her into the house] ...

Samantha Grace's "Mom": Come right in, I guess.

Jerry Silk: Samantha Grace!

[Inside Samantha Grace's room]

Samantha Grace Sutcliffe: Hey, Jerry

Jerry Silk: [snaps neck] No time to waste. I have a girl to impress.

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