Chapter 5

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   A few days passed since Hailshade was killed. The three of them decided to keep the incident between them. Telling the clan won't do any good, and who knows how Pebbleheart and Russetpaw would react. Though he was attacked, Lightpaw felt a hint of grief.
"Lightpaw!" Thistlesong rushed over. "I want you to go battle train with Russetpaw. Squirreldust decided to disappear again so I have to keep an eye on the kits." The tom mewed. He then walked back into the nursery.

Mothbelly watched Lightpaw and Russetpaw battle train. Lightpaw was pinned to the earth. Russetpaw's paws sunk into his shoulders.
"That's enough." Mothbelly mewed. "Good job, both of you." The golden warrior dipped his head. "We can head back to camp now."
  The three of them began to trot back. Before they reached camp, Lightpaw heard a rustle. It was coming from a nearby shrub. "I think there's prey in there." The apprentice parted his jaws, yet no prey scents lingered in the air. All he could smell was IcyClan.
"Alright, come back to camp afterwards." Mothbelly said, before he and Russetpaw continued to walk to camp. They were soon completely out of sight.
Lightpaw still couldn't taste any prey scents. Just IcyClan. It was oddly strong, as if there were cats right in front of him. He perked his ears up. He heard hushed mews and purrs. There were cats here, but who?
The white tabby crouched, slowly approaching the shrub. I shouldn't do this. He mewed to himself. What if it's a rogue? It was too late to turn back. He peered through the leaves and branches.
Stormshrew and Squirreldust were sitting together. Lightpaw would've let out a sigh of relief if they weren't sitting with their tails twined a muzzled press together.
"I wish we could spend more time like this," Squirreldust purred. "It's hard to sneak out when you have kits to care for."
"True, but our kits are perfect." The medicine cat responded. Did he just say our kits? Lightpaw nearly gasped. Isn't Thistlesong their father?
  "Flowerkit is just like you." Squirreldust's eyes shone with love. "She's so sweet. She could make a great medicine cat."
"They're all incredible. I just wish I could spend more time with my kits." The grey tom huffed.
"Even if they don't know you're their father, at least they'll care for you as a clanmate." Squirreldust rested her muzzle on the tom's shoulder.
"I know, but they'll never love me as a father. They'll only love Thistlesong." His ears folded back. "And Thistlesong will be the one sleeping in your nest and sharing prey with you."
"Stormshrew," Squirreldust was now looking into Stormshrew's eyes. "I love you and you only. I only agreed to be mates with Thistlesong so no one would get suspicious. He's not my real mate. He's not the father of my kits. You are. You are my true love." They continued to cuddle.
After a long pause, Stormshrew spoke again. "What if Thistlesong finds out? He'll surely be crushed."
"Thistlesong is a nice cat, but he's not that bright. He'll never find out." Squirreldust planted a lick on Stormshrew's cheek.
Lightpaw backed away, shocked. Thistlesong, his mentor, a sweet, caring cat, being used to make up some lie? The thought made him sick. No one deserves to be lied to like that. Lightpaw has seen how much Thistlesong cares about Squirreldust and the kits. Taking that away from him would be devastating.

The sun was beginning to set. Thistlesong was watching Honeykit, Leafkit, and Flowerkit. They were sleeping peacefully in their nest. Squirreldust was curled around them.
Lightpaw couldn't help but wince at the sight. Thistlesong loved the kits to death, yet he doesn't even know the kits aren't his. He thought he would whimper.
"Hey, Thistlesong." Lightpaw approached his mentor. "How have the kits been?"
"Great!" The white and gray tom purred. "Leafkit is so energetic and bubbly! And Honeykit is a little shy, but she should grow out of that. Flowerkit is so sweet and optimistic! She's also gotten really big too. She'll be a strong warrior. They all will." His whiskers twitched in amusement.
  "That's great." The apprentice dipped his head.
  "Why not get some rest. I promise I'll be the one to take you out tomorrow." Thistlesong mewed. "Fuzzyleaf will be moving in the nursery tomorrow, so if Squirreldust is out, she can watch the kits."
  "Alright, goodnight." Lightpaw began to trot towards the apprentice's den. He then felt something bump into him. He looked to his side to see Thornmuzzle.
  But Thornmuzzle seemed different. At least to Lightpaw. His golden tabby fur shone in the sunset light, his bright green eyes glimmering as well. His fur looked so soft and sleek. Did he always look this handsome? And why is Lightpaw noticing it now?
  "Oh, sorry Lightpaw." Thornmuzzle mewed, flashed an apologetic smile, and continued walking. Lightpaw let his gaze linger on the other tom before trotting into the apprentice's den.
Russetpaw was lying there, a smug look on her face. "I saw you staring at Thornmuzzle." She teased.
"W-what? No I wasn't!" Lightpaw mewed, sitting next to his sister.
"Yeah, you were! You have a crush, don't you?" The red-brown she-cat continued.
Lightpaw paused for a moment. "Maybe I do." He admitted. "I'm sure you have a crush too!"
  "Nope!" She confidently said. "So you can't tease me!" Her whiskers twitched.
  "Alright, alright." The tabby tom mewed. "Well, goodnight Russetpaw."
  "Goodnight, Lightpaw."

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