Chapter 11

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   "Snowfeather, I want you to patrol the ValleyClan border. Take Lightclaw, Adderpaw, and Featherleg with you." Lakebranch called. Lightclaw couldn't help but notice the unease in the deputy's voice. Though he wasn't old, he did seem frailer. 

"You got it, Lakebranch!" Snowfeather called back. Lightclaw approached her, stepping through his shadow as the sun started to sink below the horizon. Adderpaw and Featherleg soon followed. Lightclaw smiled when he noticed how much Adderpaw had grown. His shoulders were broader, his voice was deeper, and he generally looked more masculine. He seemed much more confident, too.

It had been a while since Lightclaw visited the ValleyClan border. Memories of his father's death still haunted him. He always kept an eye out for any spiders crawling nearby. Despite his clanmates telling him that finding another lethal spider was quite rare, Lightclaw couldn't risk putting his guard down.

The trip to the border felt oddly quick. Maybe because Lightclaw's mind was wandering? Snowfeather abruptly raised her tail, halting the patrol. She took a long whiff of the air. That's when Lightclaw noticed the unfamiliar scent too. His head instinctively snapped around when he heard the rustling of shrubs. The whole patrol was gazing at it. The shrubs seemed to be quivering. Lightclaw opened his jaws. There were no prey scents.

Featherleg cautiously approached the quivering shrub. keeping a claw unsheathed. Fluffing his fur out, he parted the shrub, revealing a cat. She was small, no older than six moons old. Her white fur was dense and her green eyes shone. Her most noticeable feature was her pink collar, studded with clear sparkling stones.

"Oh, a kittypet." Featherleg shrugged. He cleared his throat and smoothed his fur before speaking. "Kittypet, you are trespassing on IcyClan territory. Return to your twoleg nest at once." He held a stern gaze.

"Go back? I can't go back!" The kittypet whimpered. "M-my housefolk will tear me apart!" She then lifted her front paw. Two of her claws were missing and one of them was broken. Her paw was bleeding and almost looked infected. "They tried to rip my claws out! I managed to escape but- I- I-" Her voice broke off.

"Oh, you poor thing," Featherleg huffed, letting his voice become more gentle. He took another glance at her bleeding paw. "We should take you to our medicine cat. Stormshrew could heal your paw up." Featherleg paused. "Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Featherleg. Behind me are my clanmates, Lightclaw, Adderpaw, and my daughter Snowfeather."

"I'm Vivienne..." She mewed, her voice more steady. "I know, my name isn't as cool as yours..." She added with a small smile.

"Well-" Featherleg's sentence was cut off by a growl. Lightclaw felt his heart stop. Though it was only one growl, it was very close.

"No! It's those dogs that were chasing me!" Vivienne whirled around, her fur spiking in fear. In the near distance was a large coyote. Its grey and tan fur bristling with aggression. Was that another one behind it? It was a bit smaller than the first one but just as aggressive. "Those things have been trying to eat me!" The young kittypet quivered. 

"Adderpaw! Go back to camp and get some backup!" Snowflower hissed.

"B-but I can fight!" Adderpaw responded. Fear rubbed off his pelt and his legs quivered.

"I said go back to camp! Now!" His mentor snapped. Adderpaw gave a vigorous nod before dashing off. "Vivienne, go with him!" The grey warrior commanded. But Vivienne wasn't moving. She stayed frozen and shaking. She didn't even move when the coyotes started barreling toward them.

"Line formation! Now!" Featherleg called. The three of them quickly got into a defensive line in front of Vivienne. Lightclaw drew in a deep breath, unsheathing his claws. When one of the coyotes got close enough, he quickly lashed at its muzzle. It wasn't too effective, since he felt teeth sink into his shoulder. Lightclaw instinctively kicked out his back foot. He managed to get a swipe at its chest. 

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