Chapter 13

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It's been a half-moon since the coyote attack. Lightclaw's shoulder had healed, and he was able to train Vivienne. Russetheart had been teaching her the basics of clan life. She was learning rather quickly. Her ripped-out claws were beginning to grow back, which made things a little easier. Now Lightclaw and Vivienne were training in the heather fields with Snowfeather and Adderpaw. The two apprentices pawed at each other, though Adderpaw was holding back a bit. Lightclaw didn't say anything though. 

"C'mon, Adderpaw! You can do better than that!" Snowfeather hissed, flicking her tail. After Featherleg's death, Snowfeather has had less patience. She let out a huff as she swished her tail. "I'm sorry," She huffed to Adderpaw. "We should head back to camp. You two worked hard today," The she-cat got up and dragged herself in the direction of camp, the rest of them following in silence.

The four of them ducked into camp, immediately greeted by Rainkit and Owlkit running around camp in excitement. Their eyes were wide with curiosity. It was their first time out of the nursery, after all. Fuzzyleaf was outside the nursery, keeping an eye on them as they scurried around.

"Aww, they're so cute," Vivienne purred. "The last time I saw kits was when I was still a kit. Other than my littermates, I've never actually seen kits before."

"You had littermates?" Lightclaw turned to his apprentice. She had never mentioned any family before, so this was all new information.

"Yeah, I had three littermates. Though I don't remember much about them, since we were all separated when we were really young," Vivienne sighed, then shrugged. "I'm a bit hungry. May I grab something from the fresh-kill pile, Lightclaw?"

"You don't have to ask me, you know," Lightclaw smiled. "Go ahead," He nodded. Vivienne smiled back, before parting from the group and heading toward the fresh-kill pile. Leafpaw, who had already picked out a grouse, called Vivienne over. She approached him and shared the grouse.

"She's been doing pretty well," Snowfeather mewed to Lightclaw.

"Well, she wouldn't be doing so well if you weren't here to help," The tom replied, looking up at his friend.

"Nah, you're a great mentor on your own," Snowfeather playfully shoved him. "I wonder when Duststar will give her a clan name."

"If Duststar gives her a clan name," The tabby added. "I've only got a half-moon to train her up for whatever test she has planned," He suppressed a shiver of anxiety.

"Wait, you still think she's gonna exile you?" The grey she-cat scrunched her face in confusion. "You realize she said that out of grief, right?" 

"W-what?" Lightclaw met Snowfeather's gaze, eyes wide. "She isn't gonna exile me?" A mix of relief and frustration surged under his pelt. "Why didn't she tell me?" He held back a hiss. 

"I guess she assumed you knew she wasn't serious about going through with it," Snowfeather shrugged.

Lightclaw stood in disbelief. He had worked his tail off to keep his spot in the clan, only for it to not be true. He was relieved before, but now the frustration started taking over. He turned around and padded in the direction of Duststar's den where she dozed. "Hey, Duststar?" Lightclaw mewed from the mouth of the den, trying to keep his voice from wavering.

"Oh, hey, Lightclaw." Duststar dryly mewed. She looked rather tired. Did she have trouble sleeping? She was obviously still grieving for her mate, but she had recovered enough to carry on with her duties. "Do you need something?" She continued.

"Um, it's about, um, well," Lightclaw struggled to find the right words. "Um, the test, that you said you'd give Vivienne. And if she failed we'd both be exiled." He managed to spit it out. His tail tucked in with anxiety.

"Huh? Oh right, I did say that." Duststar croaked, standing up and stretching. "I kind of just said that in the heat of the moment. I'm sorry, Lightclaw," She yawned. "Here, I'll make it up to you," She slid past the young warrior and climbed onto the Cold Rock. She then howled for the clan to gather.

Lightclaw stepped back to join the crowd of gathering cats, sitting near Snowfeather. "What did you say to her?" Snowfeather mewed in Lightclaw's ear. Lightclaw didn't get a chance to respond as Duststar continued speaking.

"There is a cat in our clan who is overdue for her clan name," Duststar started, her eyes trailing down to Vivienne. "Vivienne, step forward." Hearing her name, the fluffy white apprentice nervously shuffled forward. "Vivienne, for the past half-moon, you have been working hard to prove yourself to the clan. Now it is time you earn your clan name. Vivienne, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Icepaw. Lightclaw has been doing an excellent job training you, so you will remain as his apprentice."

"Icepaw! Icepaw!" The clan cheered. Lightclaw glanced around to see some cats proudly gazing at him. He puffed out his chest and purred.

"Meeting dismissed!" Duststar swished her tail. Icepaw padded toward Lightclaw, a huge smile on her muzzle.

"I'm Icepaw now! I love that name!" She bounced around. Lightclaw smiled, but then felt a cold flake drift onto his nose. He looked up at the cloudy sky to see little flurries of snow slowly falling down. 

"Well, how about you rest in the apprentice's den? Today's been an exciting day for you," Lightclaw responded. Icepaw nodded, trotting into the apprentice's den. Leafpaw followed her in, bringing the grouse carcass they were sharing in too. "I should probably head inside, too," Lightclaw added.

"Alright. I would join you, but I told Rainkit and Owlkit I'd show them a hunting crouch. I'll be in the nursery." Snowfeather dipped her head before trotting off. Lightclaw turned around and ducked into the warrior's den. He was considering curling in his nest, but his eye caught Thistlesong, and concern poked at him again.

"Hey, Thistlesong," The tom mewed, stepping closer to his former mentor. Thistlesong didn't reply. He had been starting to go on patrol once in a while, as well as eating a bit more than before. But as soon as his patrol was finished, he'd sink right back into his nest. "Thistlesong. I know you can hear me. You can't live the rest of your life like this." Lightclaw's mew turned stern. "Thistlesong, c'mon. Look at yourself! You look like a corpse!" The tabby tom added. "Get up. You can't stay like this. Get up." He began to nudge his former mentor, but he barely budged. "Get up!" Lightclaw gave Thistlesong another nudge, moving him slightly. His nudges turn into a push.  

"Don't touch me!" It was then that Lightclaw felt sharp claws batting his ear. Thistlesong was now looming over him, growling. The tom's face softened when he realized what he'd done. Lightclaw couldn't even say anything. He was too in shock. His heart pounded and adrenaline rushed through his veins. His mentor just attacked him. He felt blood trickling from his cheek and ear. Thistlesong did that. The cat he once looked up to. Scratched him. Made him bleed. 

Thistlesong curled back into his nest to sulk as if nothing happened. He started sobbing into his tail. Lightclaw felt sobs arise in him as well. His mentor, once this respectable and loving cat, turned into that. A ball of depression and anger. All because of Lightclaw. All because he had to speak of Squirreldust's true mate. Lightclaw backed into his nest and sobbed into his own tail. What have I done? He mewed in his head.

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