Chapter 6

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The next day, Lightpaw watched Thistlesong play with Squirreldust kits. The pang of pity was still lingering in his heart for his mentor. He also felt a bit of guilt. He could break the news to his mentor, but he just didn't want to.
  "Lightpaw!" Russetpaw mewed from behind him. She trotted up to him, smiling. "Look!" Her muzzle pointed towards the gorse tunnel. Thornmuzzle looked just about to leave camp.
  "Join him! I'm sure he'll love your company." Russetpaw twitched her whiskers in amusement.
"I don't know, I'm supposed to go out to collect moss soon," Lightpaw said shyly, his ear-tips growing hot.
  "He's leaving now, go join him!" Russetpaw gave him a shove. Thornmuzzle was already out of camp, so Lightpaw quietly lagged behind. The golden warrior didn't seem to notice him.
   Thornmuzzle seemed as if he was about to turn around. He paused, smelling the air. In a panic, Lightpaw rolled into a gorse bush. Thornmuzzle didn't turn around. Instead, a familiar grey pelt emerged.
Smoked-Herb? What's he doing here! Lightpaw kept low, intrigued. Why do I always get caught up in stuff like this?
  "Smoked-Herb! I'm so glad to see you again!" The toms rubbed cheeks. "So, tell me more about the Council. Do you really have no leader?"
"Nope! We all get an equal say." Smoked-Herb replied. "From the youngest kitten to the oldest elder."
"Speaking of kits, what do you call them before their eyes get their true eye color?" Thornmuzzle questioned.
"Well, as you know, the first part of our name is what our pelt looks like," Smoked-Herb began. "Before we get our true eyes, we are just given -Eyes at the end of our name. So when I was first born, I was called Smoked-Eyes. But when we get our true eyes, the end of our name becomes what color our eyes look like. Since my eyes are the color of herbs, I was named Smoked-Herb."
"Wow," The golden tom mewed. "If there's no leader, who picks your name? What if one cat thinks your eyes are the color of leaves or moss?"
"Well, our parents name us. They also train us once we get our true eyes." Smoked-Herb explained. "Since it's most common for cats to have one kitten per litter, they both teach their kitten. We mostly work on hunting and farming, but self-defensive is also heavily touched on. The savanna can be very harsh."
  "Yeah. Since we migrate every three cycles, we've learned to grow our own herbs. Fruits are also nutritious to eat."
  "Could you remind me what cycles are?"
  "Cycles are every four seasons-"
  "Thornmuzzle!" An angry voice hissed from behind Lightpaw. The source of the voice came into view. Mothbelly was leading a patrol with Russetpaw and Petalfur.
  Thornmuzzle jumped back. "I- it's not what it looks like!"
  "Camp. Now." Mothbelly growled, his tail lashing. Thornmuzzle scurried back to camp, his head drooping. "And you!" The senior warrior snapped back towards Smoked-Herb. "Leave this territory, and never return!"
   The grey outsider began to scramble away. "And Lightpaw, get out of there." The tom hissed to Lightpaw before leading his patrol back to camp.
  "Lightpaw has nothing to do with this," Russetpaw stepped in as Lightpaw crawled out of the gorse bush. "I told him to follow Thornmuzzle,"
  "What? Why?" Mothbelly turned his head. Russetpaw gave a sorrowful look at Lightpaw before speaking again.
  "Because he has a crush on Thornmuzzle." She suppressed her smirk. Lightpaw whipped his head to face his sister. "What? It's true!" She added. Mothbelly merely gave a side glance and continued walking.

*insert me switching to writing this book on my laptop, hence why the paragraphs are spaced out more*

   Even though Lightpaw was off the hook, he was ordered to stay in camp for the rest of the day. He nibbled on a dove with Snowfeather. The tension was thick. So much unease. He had heard the other cats whispering about Thornmuzzle being a traitor. They all believed he would lead a rogue group to camp. 

   Thornmuzzle was also confined to camp. He was curled in his nest sorrowfully. Featherleg, his father, sat by him in support, despite him disagreeing with his son's actions. Duststar marched in there, obviously upset.

   Snowfeather sighed. "I really hope Thornmuzzle doesn't get exiled," She huffed, curling her tail anxiously. "I mean, I don't think our mother would, but you never know..."

   Before Lightpaw could respond, an upset yowl arose from the warrior's den. Thornmuzzle stormed out, his ears folded back. "You can't keep me in camp forever!" He hissed at Duststar, who followed him out. Her face was more concerned than mad.

   "We won't keep you in forever, just until you can make good choices!" The silver leader responded, attempting to keep her voice from yelling.

   "I love him, okay? If Featherleg was a rogue, I bet you'd still love him!" The young warrior retorted. "I'm running away with Smoked-Herb! And you can't stop me!" His mew shook as he darted out of camp.

   Featherleg got up to follow him, but was stopped by Duststar. "Let him go," Her once-powerful voice quivered. She leaned into her mate's pelt and sobbed. "StarClan, keep him safe..." She whimpered.

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