Chapter 22

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The following half-moon hadn't been easy. Duststar had agreed to ask SwampClan for medical assistance, but only after some of camp had been rebuilt. Sparkflower, one of SwampClan's medicine cats, had been staying with IcyClan to train Owlpaw. Owlpaw was learning much faster under the SwampClan tom's guidance. The smoke got to Shadowberry's weak lungs and killed him. It was bad enough as it was, but then a group of rogues began attacking their camp.

That night was the night of the gathering. Lightclaw stood proudly among his clanmates, his gaze scanning the clearing for familiar faces. Sparkflower immediately trotted toward SwampClan, to no one's surprise. 

As the leaders took their places on the Three Stones, Duststar, with a somber expression, addressed the assembled cats. "Let the gathering begin!" She howled, the cats below hushing themselves. "IcyClan shall start. A half-moon ago, our camp caught on fire, though we have recovered smoothly," That last part was a complete fabrication, IcyClan was still a mess. "Though, we, unfortunately, lost three cats to the event. Thistlesong, Shadowberry, and our medicine cat, Stormshrew. We also-"

"The fire was sent by StarClan!" A cat howled from below.

"No! The fire was caused by twolegs! I saw them near our camp!" Adderpelt hissed.

"Why else would it kill your traitor medicine cat?" The cat retorted. "StarClan was probably trying to get rid of him and his illicit kits!" He spat, hissing at Adderpelt. 

"Logfall!" Willetstar howled from his stone. The warrior sheepishly turned to face his leader. "Go back to camp, right now!" The speckled leader bristled.

"But-" The slim brown tom was cut off by another growl from his leader.

"No buts! I will not allow such a disrespectful warrior to represent SwampClan at this gathering! Go back to camp right now!" Willetstar's jaws clenched. Lightclaw had never seen the leader so angry before. He's usually so laid-back, it gave Lightclaw a chill. With his ears folded and an embarrassed sigh, Logfall began to trot away from the Gathering and toward the direction of SwampClan camp.

Willetstar drew in a deep breath to recompose himself before continuing. "I apologize for Logfall's behavior. Ever since Cedarlight died he's been all StarClan-crazy." He dipped his head. "He will receive further consequences once we return to camp."

"If I may continue," Duststar glared at the cats gathered below her, as if challenging them to interrupt. "We also have two new kits, Thistlekit and Shrewkit, named after our fallen warrior and medicine cat. We have a new warrior as well, Raintail."

"Raintail! Raintail!" The clans cheered, still a bit on edge.

"And I doubt we'll have to wait long before Owlpaw gets his full medicine cat name. That's all from IcyClan. Willetstar? She turned her head toward the gray tom.

"Yes, SwampClan is doing well. We have a new apprentice, Reedpaw." He started.

"Reedpaw! Reedpaw!" The cats cheered again.

"As I mentioned earlier, Cedarlight has unfortunately joined the ranks of StarClan due to a sudden rogue attack-" The speckled tom was cut off when Duststar turned back toward him. 

"You were attacked too?" The old leader questioned. "So were we. It's like they're circling our camps," She then turned her head toward Morningstar. "Have you had any run-ins with rogues?"

"I've had it with these rouges!" Morningstar yowled. "We need a plan, for all three clans shall attack their camp!" She proposed.

"But we don't know where their camp is!" Willetstar mewed.

"I could help," A young brown tabby tom mewed. Lightclaw had never seen the cat before. "I was born in that group, I could lead you guys there." The tom continued.

"Perfect." Morningstar mewed. "You could tell us what we need to know about them."

"And I could spy!" Flamestorm's voice rose up. "The rouges have seen me exiled from ValleyClan, I'm sure they think I hate the clans." He added. "It will be my way of proving my loyalty."

"Thank you, Flamestorm." Duststar mewed. "Every half-moon, report to the Moon Hollow, to the medicine cats. So if any rouge follows you, they won't see you near the actual clans." Flamestorm nodded.

"We could send you out tonight. Good luck, and be careful." Morningstar dipped her head.

"Now, we need to prepare as much as we can for this battle." Duststar mewed. "We have to be able to fight like rouges. So by the next gathering, we will be ready!" Excited howls erupted from below. Lightclaw felt his own veins rush with adrenaline. He'd never been a part of a big battle, only minor border skirmishes. 

As the clans departed, Icepelt quickened her pace to trot beside her former mentor. "Lightclaw?" Her mew was shaky and nervous. "H-have you ever been in a big battle before?"

"Nope, this will be a first for the both of us," He cracked a light-hearted smile. "Though I think I might volunteer to watch over camp since I don't want to leave Snowfeather, but knowing her, she'll try to fight in the battle anyways,"

The fluffy white molly hesitated before speaking again. "Would I be able to volunteer to watch camp?"

"Duststar may have already thought of which cats will stay and guard, but it doesn't hurt to ask," He replied with a shrug. 

"What if, hypothetically, a cat was expecting kits? Then would they be put on guard duty? Or would they be relieved from duties entirely? Or does it depend on how long they've been expecting?" Her ears folded with an awkward smile.

"I think it depends on how long they've been expecting. Why do you ask? Are you and Leafwing planning on having a litter?" He mewed.

"Actually... I'm already expecting," Her voice was barely audible. Lightclaw's ears perked up in surprise. 

"Congratulations! You should tell Duststar. She'll definitely let you guard camp," He nodded encouragingly. Lightclaw's warm congratulations seemed to ease Icepelt's nervousness, and a flicker of excitement sparkled in her eyes. She nodded gratefully at his suggestion.

"You're right," she replied, her voice gaining confidence. "I should inform Duststar about my condition. Thank you, Lightclaw." Icepelt purred softly before making her way toward Duststar, who was engaged in an animated discussion with Lakebranch and Alderstrike.

Lightclaw watched Icepelt go, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within him. He was genuinely happy for his former apprentice, but a wave of uncertainty washed over him too. The upcoming battle against the rogues was already daunting, and now there was the added responsibility of protecting the camp and its expectant mother.

As the night settled in, Lightclaw sought out Snowfeather. He found her grooming herself by the entrance of the nursery den, her snowy fur gleaming in the moonlight. "Snowfeather," Lightclaw called softly, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and excitement. Snowfeather turned her head, her blue eyes meeting his.

"Lightclaw, what's on your mind?" she asked, tilting her head curiously.

Lightclaw approached her and nuzzled her affectionately. "I have news," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and apprehension. "First of all, there's going to be a battle with the rogues. All three clans are going to fight them," He explained. "And secondly, Icepelt just told me that she's expecting kits."

A flicker of surprise danced in Snowfeather's eyes before she purred in delight. "That's wonderful! Icepelt will be a great mother," she exclaimed.

"Icepelt wants to help guard camp during the battle," Lightclaw explained. "And it got me thinking. With the battle looming, I don't want to leave you alone. If something were to happen to me..." The white tom's voice trailed off.

Snowfeather's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes. "You're right, Lightclaw. Our kits are our priority. I trust you to fight bravely, but I'd feel much better knowing that you'll be there to watch over our den and keep our kits safe."

Lightclaw felt a surge of gratitude and love for Snowfeather. He nuzzled her once more, their tails intertwining. "Thank you, Snowfeather," he whispered. "You mean everything to me, and our kits' safety is paramount."

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