Chapter 16

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Owlkit woke up that night, but his greencough still gripped him. For the last few days, greencough had been spreading around like wildfire. Duststar had already lost a life from it. Pebbleheart and Shadowberry were confined into the medicine den as well. Even Stormshrew started to display symptoms of greencough. He didn't want to risk spreading the illness, so he confined himself to his den as well. The clan was ordered to stay away from the medicine den, despite Flamefoot's and Fuzzyleaf's protests. 

Everyone except Icepaw. She was immune to greencough due to her old housefolk pricking her with a strange liquid. No matter how much time she spent around the sick cats, she couldn't catch it. But the poor apprentice had to carry out more duties because of it. She's been assisting Stormshrew with grabbing food and herbs from outside the den.

"I feel bad for Icepaw," Lightclaw mewed to Russetheart as they shared a rabbit. The sun was at its peak, though it still felt cold. There wasn't as much snow as before with newleaf approaching, but the frost reminded them that it was still leaf-bare.

"Hey, at least you're her mentor. I bet if any of the senior warriors were, she'd still have her regular duties as well as assisting Stormshrew," The red she-cat pointed out. "I overheard Stormshrew trying to persuade her to become his apprentice. She kept declining, but when you think about it, she would be a good medicine cat,"

"Yeah, but she wants to be a warrior," Lightclaw lowered his voice so no one else could hear except Russetheart. "And it's obvious she has a crush on Leafwing,"

"You're starting to sound like Fuzzyleaf," Russetheart giggled, finishing her half of the rabbit. Lightclaw finished up his as well before gathering the bones. 

"I'll bring them to the dirtplace," Lightclaw mewed before trotting toward the dirtplace tunnel. He ducked under the gorse that covered the tunnel and into a small clearing surrounded by shrubs. It reeked of dirt and scraps of prey. He dropped the bones and turned back toward camp, but stopped when he heard a voice calling to him.

"Lightclaw," A soft voice mewed. The young tom turned around to see Icepaw, her eyes droopy from exhaustion. "Stormshrew asked me to grab more catmint, but I'm scared of going to the twolegplace alone. Could you come with me?" The white apprentice shyly mewed.

"Icepaw, you look exhausted," Lightclaw started. "Why don't you go rest? I'll fetch the catmint for you and you can just deliver it to Stormshrew," Sympathy rang in his mew. If she kept overworking herself, she'd look as frail as the elders in no time.

"You're not gonna go alone, are you? What if there are dogs or twolegs?" Icepaw's fuzzy pelt prickled with worry. 

"I'll bring another warrior with me, don't worry," He added. "Now, you go get some rest," He ushered the young molly into camp, following her inside. She dipped her head in gratitude before slinking into the apprentice's den. Lightclaw's eyes then drifted to Russetheart, who was still sitting in the same spot. He trotted over to her and mewed, "Hey, Stormshrew needs more catmint and Icepaw is exhausted. Wanna come with me to get some?"

"Yeah, I do!" She jumped to her feet with an excited purr. "I've been itching to get out since the dawn patrol finished! C'mon, let's go!" The red tabby was already trotting toward the gorse tunnel. Lightclaw always wondered how she managed to stay so energetic and positive. She didn't watch our parents die- Lightclaw quickly pushed the thought away and followed Russetheart out of camp.

When the two IcyClan warriors reached the ValleyClan border, Lightclaw felt himself tense up. This was the same place where Featherleg was slaughtered and where Thunderpelt was bitten by that spider. The memories gave him chills, but he pressed on, suppressing his discomfort. They managed to avoid patrols a little too easily. There must've been an important meeting going on. Soon enough, the two of them reached the back of the valley and approached the twolegplace. It was warmer near the twolegplace. Lightclaw had heard rumors of twolegs heating up their dens during leaf-bare. He'd always wondered how and if he was able to do the same.

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