Chapter 21

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Snowfeather had kitted later that night. Lightclaw was in awe seeing his kits, but both their hearts were still heavy with grief. Owlpaw was frantically panicking the whole time, but he managed to remember the right herbs. Lightclaw was shocked at how well the young tom worked under pressure.

"One tom-kit and one she-kit," Owlpaw huffed. "They both look healthy," He blinked, clearly exhausted. Lightclaw gave a nod of gratitude to the young cat as his eyes trailed back down to his kits. 

"They're beautiful," Lightclaw breathed, a purr slipping in between words. His violet gaze landed on the tom-kit first. His fur was ginger and white, just like Thunderpelt's. Though his dark stripes reminded him of Russetheart. Lightclaw's heart ached thinking of his passed family. The warrior snuck a glance back at the near-ending vigil. Adderpelt was whispering prayers beside Thistlesong's body. Squirreldust was still sobbing over Stormshrew's body, her jaw clenched with each sharp breath. Turning back to his own kits, he pointed to the tom-kit with his nose. "How about we name this one Thistlekit? After Thistlesong?"

Snowfeather smiled. "That's a wonderful name," She nodded. Snowfeather glanced down at the brown she-kit beside her belly. The kit almost looked a little like Thornmuzzle, but a bit darker. "And how about Stormkit for this one, or maybe Shrewkit, since she looks more like a shrew?" The queen pondered aloud for a moment. "Yeah, I like Shrewkit. after Stormshrew,"

"Wow, way to rub in your big happy family in my face," A growl came from behind. The voice was none other than Squirreldust, choking back sobs.

"Not everything is about you, Squirreldust," Adderpelt sneered from where he was sitting.

"They named their kits after my mate and the tom who ruined our family!" Squirreldust's tail lashed.

"Ruined our family? That was you! You're the one who did that!" The tabby tom rebutted. "And so what if they want to name their kits after their clanmates? Thistlesong was Lightclaw's mentor, you know. Is it so bad he wants to honor them?"

"Well-" Flowermask's reply was swiftly interrupted by her brother's snarl.

"I'm not asking you!" Adderpelt's fur spiked up along his spine, his claws digging into the charred earth below him. Flowermask parted her jaws to speak but clamped them shut, exhaling a sigh of defeat. The young tom then turned around and left what remained of the gorse tunnel.

Leafwing sat nearby, his eyes darting between the gorse tunnel and his mother and sister. His jaw was clenched as if trying to force his emotions down.  His ears folded and his jaw quivered. "Water off a duck's back, it's just water off a duck's back," Leafwing muttered to himself. 

"Leafwing?" Icepelt mewed, placing her white tail on his shoulder.

"My family is falling apart," Leafwing drew in a deep breath. That last sentence was the last thing his sobs needed to break free from his chest. He leaned into the molly's white fur, letting himself cry. Icepelt wrapped her tail around his back, placing her chin on his head. "I want to help them, but I can't. They never get along anymore,"

"You've already done so much for them, it's not fair for you to take on all that pressure," The fuzzy white she-cat mewed. "You're doing the best you can. But you also have to remember to take care of yourself, too. How are you going to be able to help them if you're in shambles?"

"You're right, Icepelt," Leafwing whispered, his voice trembling. "I need to take care of myself. But what about my family? How can I help them when everything is falling apart?"

Icepelt gently nuzzled his cheek, offering reassurance. "Sometimes, the best way to help is by being a steady presence, a source of support and understanding. Your family is going through a difficult time, and they may not always show it in the best way. But by staying strong and offering love and empathy, you can make a difference."

Leafwing nodded, absorbing her words. He took a moment to compose himself, wiping away the remnants of tears from his eyes. With newfound determination, he straightened his posture.

"I will be there for them," Leafwing declared, his voice filled with resolve. "No matter how tough it gets, I'll be the calm amidst the storm. I won't let them tear each other apart. I'll remind them of what's truly important."

Icepelt's eyes sparkled with pride as she nodded. "That's the spirit, Leafwing. Remember, you're not alone in this. Lean on your friends, lean on me. We'll navigate this together."

"Leafwing chose the perfect mate," Snowfeather mewed. "I wonder if they'll have their own litter."

"They're still pretty young," Lightclaw added.

"So are we! We're not that much older," Snowfeather retorted. "You were an apprentice at the same time they were."

"I was nearly done with training," Lightclaw added with a playful flick of his tail. His gaze drifted back to his own tiny, mewling litter. His heart swelled even more, gazing in awe at his kits. 

Snowfeather gently nuzzled Lightclaw, her eyes shining with adoration for their little family. "I can't help but imagine what our kits will be like when they're older. Brave warriors like you, or perhaps wise medicine cats like Owlpaw."

"Speaking of Owlpaw," Lightclaw's eyes tore away from his family and toward the bristling Owlpaw. "He's nowhere near finished with his training. We're practically without a medicine cat!" His ears folded with worry.

"I'm sure StarClan will help guide him," Snowfeather placed her tail atop her mate's. "And I know my mother dislikes asking for help from the other clans, but surely Duststar's pride won't stop her from helping her clan, right? SwampClan has two fully-trained medicine cats, I doubt they'd mind sparing one until Owlpaw is fully trained."

"SwampClan has always been known for their generosity and sense of community. I really hope Willetstar would understand the urgency of our situation and would be willing to lend us a helping paw." Lightclaw's anxiety returned once more. "What if one of our kits gets sick? And what if Duststar refuses to ask for help?"

"If Duststar refuses, I'll ask myself. What is she gonna do? Exile her daughter for wanting her kits to be healthy?" The speckled queen scoffed.

Lightclaw's anxiety began to dissipate as he found solace in Snowfeather's unwavering resolve. "If Duststar refuses, we will find another way. We will reach out to Willetstar ourselves, or even consider seeking help from ValleyClan if necessary. Our kits' lives are too precious to leave to chance."

Snowfeather's eyes gleamed with determination as she placed a comforting paw on Lightclaw's. "We'll do whatever it takes to ensure the health and safety of our kits and our clan. No obstacle will stand in our way."

With their minds set and their determination unyielding, Lightclaw and Snowfeather prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They would not let anything prevent them from securing the help their clan needed, even if it meant going against the wishes of their own leaders. The well-being of their kits and the unity of their clan were worth the risk.

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