10- Surprise

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Adalina's POV.

What's the point of even living when there's no home to go back to?

When there's no one I can call my own?

When I have no idea what a family truly is?

What's the point?

Why am I even here?

I was at a bus stop crying my heart out. I had turned off my phone so that no one could reach me and no bus was going to pass at this time but I was still there. I wanted to be alone.

How come I found out only now? And in the worst case scenario?

How come I deserve all of this?

I don't even know my worth anymore. Do I even have one?

Half an hour later, a car stopped right in front of me as I lifted my eyes.

It was Rose. I wiped my tears with the back of my hands and got up while she had gotten out of her car and ran to me hugging me.

"God! I thought I lost you! I knew you weren't too far away" she said through her breaths.

A few seconds later, Nathan got out of the car as well. He was staring at me. The same way he did when he had saw me at the apartment.

Rose picked up her daughter from Shawn's party and then brought us all back home.

Olivia had asked me a few questions as soon as she got into the car however Rose asked her to keep silent. She told her I needed my space and she was right. I wanted to be invisible actually.

I really just wanted to disappear.

We got to their place and I immediately made my way to Olivia's room to change before getting to sleep. If I don't fall asleep now, I won't be able to stop crying and hurting. Although, I don't see how this pain could possibly end for me.

"Athena..." Olivia called my name.


"I don't know what happened tonight but I can hear you crying and it seriously hurts me. Can you please explain to me or just ask me for anything that will make you feel better?" she said.

I got up from the bed and went to open the lights so she could see me. She sat on the bed correctly looking at me.

"I...I don't have a family. I was adopted and I had no idea." I confessed through my tears.

She got up from the bed and came to me wrapping her arms around me.

"It's not your fault" she said.

I cried in her arms for a good five minutes before I pulled away.

We both went back to bed. We both obviously couldn't sleep at all.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that..."she said.

I kept silence. I know it's not my fault. But, I am the one to suffer the most.

"I hope you know that my mom, Nathan and I...we will always love you." she said.

Another tear escaped my eye. I had a thousand reasons to cry over my life. But, then I had these people. Who care for me and gave me a home. They give me food, love, care...the list keeps going.

I didn't know if I had to be heartbroken or grateful. I felt both so deeply.


Nathan's POV.

I don't know what happened through that door but I am sure now it didn't go well.

I wanted to run after her as she did but I couldn't risk my health and I knew she wasn't just going for a walk.

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