Buried Treasure

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(A/n: This takes place during season 2, episode 12. This took like 3 hours to write, so I hope it's good.)

The sun shone down on the entirety of Rainbow Hills, allowing all of the citizens out and about on that fine afternoon to bask in its warmth.

Some were leaving work, others leaving school, but everyone was going about their daily routines without much thought.

Kelsey Hino was no different, marching forward with a determined grin on her face.

'I don't think I'm gonna need much luck today, but I'm glad I've got you with me anyway.'

Giving a fond glance towards the little felt good-luck charm her friends had made for her the day before, the redhead's grin only widened.

Those girls were about the best friends anyone could ever ask for. And she wouldn't trade them for the world.

Kelsey was heading over to the volleyball court, and she had every intention of crushing it today. After all, if she had her most precious treasure with her, there was no way she could lose!

'I'm gonna work my ass off, and show everyone out there just how hard this firefighter can play!'

Chuckling, the girl never broke her confident stride, prepared to do just as she had said.

But just as she was really beginning to motivate herself...

"Funny meeting you here!"

A gravelly, aggressive voice snarled at Kelsey from above, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She gasped in anger and confusion, and turned around, seeing a familiar foe perched up on the school roof.

"Well, maybe funny's not the word."

The girl's face immediately twisted into an irritated glare, and she clutched the strap of her bag tightly.

"Ulric!" She growled. "I don't have time for you!"

Of all the times for him to put out her fire, it had to be when she was pumping herself up for a match? He had the worst timing in the world!

It didn't matter, though. She knew she'd soon get heated again, anyway.

The wolf glared back down at her, baring his fangs.

"Make time, because you and I have a score to settle!"

Kelsey scoffed in disbelief. "We have a what?!"

She honestly couldn't believe he was pulling this crap right now. Just looking at his stupidly cocky expression made her itch for a fight.

The wolf crushed a tube of some familiar substance in his fist, squeezing black paint everywhere. He slapped it onto a page of his Picture Book of Darkness, as per the usual routine, and the people around the young athlete fell into despair.

Friends, acquaintances, strangers...they were all on their knees, moaning their fears and insecurities out in hushed, hopeless tones. Some were even recognized teammates of hers.

Kelsey flared up in anger, gawking at his work.

"What have you done?! Those are my teammates!"

The redhead shook her fist at the despicable creature with her teeth clenched. If she had wanted to fight him before, now she wanted to kick his ass.

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